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I was the first one to the airport.

I thanked whoever was looking down on me for that fact. I couldn't have handled this in front of anyone else - not really. There is a difference between saying and doing. It ached. I ached. And there wasn't much I could do about that. This whole experience had already been so... overwhelming. Memories flashed by like a whirlwind. Like tiny snapshots.

I pinched my arm lightly.

Yep, definitely real.

I wondered if any other girls felt sad today, like they were mourning the loss of their old life. Not likely. Their families probably threw parties in celebration, rejoicing that their daughter could be the future queen.

I braced myself for all that was coming and finally let myself let go. Where I went, she wouldn't.

Not anymore.

Goodbye Sophie.


"May I sit here?"

I glanced up to see a short, dark-haired girl looking back at me. I instantly recognised her: Kiko of Kent. She was one of three other girls who would be travelling with me to Camelot. She gestured with her hand towards the seat opposite me and I remembered that she had asked me a question.

I stood up to greet her but banged my hip on a table as I got up.


"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine thank you. And please sit down."

As I tended to my bruised side, Kiko daintily sat down across from me. What a great first impression! I had hoped to be, at the very least, friendly with most of the girls yet here I was, already making a joke out of myself.

"I'm Kiko." She smiled at me, eyes shining in the light. She was beautiful. Her curly black hair was pulled up into two perfect pigtails making her almond-shaped eyes more pronounced. If I was someone else I could mention, I would have no trouble charming this girl. I would joke with her, gossip until the end of the flight where we would emerge best friends. But I was plain old me. My final spark of hope died within me. If the prince could have his pick of girls, far more beautiful and eligible than I, then there would be no reason for him to keep me.

But I was still going to try.

You know what they say, fake it 'til you make it.

"Agatha," I responded.

"I think i'm nervous. Do I look it? Well I should be, shouldn't I. After all, it's not everyday you go to the palace." Kiko's leg bounced underneath the table sending small vibrations through it.

"I'm glad someone else understands. Something about this whole experience makes me so... nervous!" I told her. "And excited, of course," I added on as an afterthought.

"I know. When my name got announced my entire family started screaming and hugging and- Oh no, i'm going to miss them so much. My mom was the one who encouraged me to sign up and I know she'll be proud of me no matter what happens but i'm still going to miss her."

Part of what Kiko was saying rang true for me: my mom was backing me all the way. We both needed the money because it would change our lives.

"I don't want to disappoint my mom either. She works so hard and I know that I can never let her down but the fear is still there," I admitted. "She has always wanted what is best for me. When my name got announced she was thrilled. She hugged Honora - that's her friend - and started celebrating immediately. We were at her house you see; she lives with her husband, Stefan, her sons, Jacob and Adam, and her step-daughter, Sophie. She was, she was entered into the selection too. Sophie was a good friend to me before, a really good friend, but after that night we had a falling out and she decided she hated me."

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