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Sophie's house was filled with noise. We always came hear to watch therefore because as a four, Sophie had a TV. It was that or we would have to watch it in one of the communal spaces which Sophie insisted was riddled with sick people.

She would be a good queen.

I knew what was going to happen. Sophie would be called out. Her perfectly packed bags would come out of her room and be put in the hall. Then tomorrow, a car would come for her and take her to the nearest airport. She would've pampered upon arrival where she would meet the prince. And fall in love. And get married. I would be invited to the wedding and Sophie would show Prince Tedros my artwork and because he loved her so much I would become a 2 with my mom making artwork for the palace.

I guess that's all I could really ask for - for Sophie to be happy. Even if that wasn't with me. But as of right now,she was still mine. I wouldn't want her to leave, but I wouldn't stop her either. You shouldn't mess with fate even if it takes your best friend to a robotic heartless prince boy.

Stephan sat in his armchair and Honora and the boys shared the couch. Sophie had gotten a chair from the kitchen blocking their view while my mother and I sat on cushions on the floor. There were six of us squeezed into a tiny room and yet none of us minded because of what we knew was about to happen.

The sky darkened outside and the province clock chimed seven times. Stephan turned over to the Illéa broadcast system - the only free channel - and we saw Hort Bloodbrook standing in the middle of the stage.

In the background you could see King Arthur and Prince Tedros, each with a fake smile plastered on for the camera. Neither of them were ever caught in a happy moment. It was all updates about the war and budgets and the rebels. It was almost as if neither of them had smiled in their lives. I was rusty, but thanks to Sophie I was learning.

Sophie will be gone soon.

My gaze shifted into the prince and though he couldn't see me I sent every piece of anger towards him. He was going to take my best friend away. Make her his wife even though no one could be happy married to someone like him. It's not possible. The same way it isn't possible for Nevers to be happy. Because we fight for ourselves and not others.

Tedros was leaned into his father and I could see his lips moving ever so slightly. But,because they weren't supposed to speak tonight, they weren't wearing microphones. I focused back onto Hort Bloodbrook as he introduced the program.

"Good evening Illéa. Tonight you are tuning in to one of the most important reports since the birth of Prince Tedros himself and this one is even more exciting than the one two weeks ago announcing his selection. Tonight we will reveal to you the 35 daughters of Illéa vying for the Prince's hand in marriage.

"Over the past two weeks thousands of entries have come into the palace and have been sorted until they were drawn yesterday afternoon. We are all in the dark as to who these women are and what they have to offer.

"So, without further ado,the selection candidates are."

Sophie gripped my hand and i swear the whole of Illéa fell silent. You could hear the rain hitting the window panels. This was it. From fiction to reality. I held on to Sophie's tighter. This was the moment she had been waiting for.

In a box in the corner of the screen was a live image of Prince Tedros so they could film his reactions to the pictures that were obviously going to come up when the names were called. He turned to his father and a flash of fear appeared on his face before being replace with a plain mask hiding everything. Who thought that he had feelings?

Hort had a set of cards in his hands, ready to read out the names of the girls.

"Miss Janae of Gillikin, Three." A photo of a tiny girl with porcelaine features popped up as Tedros beamed.

Shallower than I thought.

"Miss Beatrice of Clairmont, Two

"Miss Kiko of Kent, Four

"Miss Giselle of Bankston, Four

"Miss Reena of Columbia, Three

"Miss Agatha of Gavaldon, Five."

I whipped my head back around,and there it was. The picture of me taken just after I thought of my happiest memories with Sophie. I still looked like a never. But some idiot had made a mistake. And instead of making her dreams come true, I had just shattered the last hope my best friend ever had.

Sophie let go of my hand and stormed out the room. I received congratulations from the boys and even Stephan tried to give me a well intentioned hug but I dodged out the way. Both my Mother and Honora were practically buzzing with the 'good' news. I missed Tedros' reaction; I was too busy trying to follow Sophie.


Sophie was sitting on the back porch tears streaming down her eyes. She angled her head so she could see who I was, and, when realising it was me,she took off again. I followed her to the treehouse Stefan made for the boys when they moved in. It was a tight fit, but we both managed.

"Are you happy now?"she asked, voice hoarse, as if it physically pained her to talk to me.

"Of course not, Sophie, what are you on about?"

"The story about your mother was so believable, I actually trusted you."

"What are you-"

"But your just like the rest of the nevers," she spat voice rising, "Evil and manipulative!"

"That's not true Sophie!"

"You lied to me. You wanted Prince Tedros to yourself!"

"That's not tru-"

"You wanted him even though you knew he was my happily ever after." She was shouting now. "What were you going to do? Create a love potion so you could become princess."

"I would never. You know that."

"Save your breath. It wouldn't have worked anyway. No potion or trick or lie could make anyone love you. You're too horrible and ugly. You disgust me."

"Sophie?" I didn't know who this Sophie was. This Sophie filled with hateful words and scorn.

"Do you really want to know how I know you're an ever?" She asked voice returning to normal. "Because Nevers always have to ruin somebody else's happily ever after to find their own. But there's nothing you could ever say or do to keep me from my happily ever after. Because evers fight the worst evil in the quest for love. And the more you try to keep us apart, the stronger we get. For whereas you need to cheat to get your ending, I don't. And I never want to see you again."

And with that, she climbed down, eyes dry and I couldn't call out. I couldn't make a sound. I just sat on my own in the dark finding out what it was like to be truly alone.

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