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(A/N Hort is supposed to be Gavril Fadaye. I'm sorry I couldn't fit him in anywhere else and Hort seems like a fun person like Gavril so they are now one and the same.)

The lights dimmed and I shook Hort Bloodbrook's hand.

"Well done, your highness."

"Thank you Hort."

Hort was the new presenter of the report. He was orphaned as a child and it wasn't clear whether he was an ever or a never. We were both tutored together as children so he is considered an ever. We sometimes wonder what it would have been like it the palace hadn't taken him in, and we usually stop talking around about then. Hort had replaced the old presenter of the Illéa report meaning my best friend is the one orchestrating my selection - how embarrassing.

The interview had gone smoothly. I didn't fumble over my words or make an ass of myself. I seemed like was ready to start looking for a soulmate, or, at least, a girl who was good at running the country. I mean, what was the likelihood that out of thousands of applicants, my soulmate would turn up in a pool of 35 of them. It was ludicrous.

When Guinivere was still here, Father used to say, "Look for the girl who is truly good." I stopped listening to him after she left. Now it seemed all he could care about was the war with New Asia and braking his record of number of drinks consumed in one night without getting alcohol poisoning.

I knew that the first few applications had come through. God, that makes me sound like an entitled brat and that all these women are applying for jobs. Either way, they started coming in this afternoon. As per tradition, I didn't get to look at any of them. Once the girls were picked live on the report in two weeks, I would get pictures and information on them so I could be prepared.

I never realised I would be nervous. But I was. What if I made the wrong decision and picked the wrong girl from the elite? What if I sent her home straight away for not feeling an immediate spark? What if she never turned up? What if I had to choose between duty and love. What would I do if she rejected me?

What would I do if I ended up like my dad?

So a super short chapter but I wanted to get a few POVs from the palace. What do you think? Do you want them to be longer or shorter or is there a particular characters POV you want? Please tell me. And please give me any feedback you have.

Also DOUBLE UPDATE! Look who's being productive for once.

Thanks for sticking with me.

All the best and keep safe,

xoxo paige_turner_

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