Set 3- Chapter 12: Envy

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9:56 am

I'm still pretty creeped out by the Unknown caller. I wanted to know more, so I decided to talk with Estebindee about it at lunch. Just then; I spotted SoPie and Bustin walking down the hallway,hand in hand (blegh) ,making people step back.

Their faces made me sick;

Make way bitches! Ha, the couple of the skewls here to fuck you all! Aha!

They looked more like actual bitches than me. Too fucking loyal.

I wanted to talk to SoPie about somethings (MAINLY ABOUT BUSTIN)

I called out "Hey! SoPie-"

But was interrupted by their kiss. THEY MADE OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING HALLWAY. THE FUCK.

"SoPie! Hey!" I called out again. She finally turned around, but instead of responding back she gave me a glare. The look. It felt as if she was looking right through my soul. Bustin's hand drew Sopie back to him and they continued. Ew.

"Well she turned into Bustin's boy." Casandbox said, popping up next to me.

"Yeah..." I was sort of sad that they were together because that just showed Bustin hated me all along and SoPie had no respect at ALL for Allyconda. THE Allyconda.

11:36 am

I walked up to Estebindee and found he was sitting with Bustin, Daracoon and JK LOL

I tried to not make eye contact with Bustin but we ended up being the only people glaring into each others eyes.

"Estebindee, I need to talk to you." I glared.

I hope he got the messege that I was not in the mood to joke or be teased and shit.

"Whats this about, DWEEB." He said, not seeming to care.

"Have you been getting a call from an unknown caller?"

He thought a little. "Yeah, maybe once or twice. Maybe a few times. DWEEB. "

"Me too."

"Yeah." Daracoon added "I've been getting a few calls from unknown but its probably just a pranker."

"A pranker who wants to kill everyone???" I questioned.

"You have a point."

"It must be someone in the school." Estebindee said.

"Thanks, DWEEB." I mocked in reponse.

I walked back to my lunch table.

"Did you find out?" Casandbox asked.

"He doesn't seem to know. " I sighed.

Di00ne came, skipping with a cookie in her hand. "Any news?"

"Nope." I said in response. I looked back at Estebindee, Daracoon, JK LOL and Bustin and caught Bustin staring at me. Woah. The fuck.

He stared at me like;

What is she... What? Hmmm....

Like whos stalking me now bitch.

Just then, SoPie walked in as everyone stared at her. She noticed Bustin staring at me and got a little mad. Oh shit.

She walked over. "So guys, whats with Bustin?" She smiled, innocent as ever.

"Um. I dont know, I dont talk to him." Di00ne said. "BUT HE HURT ALLYCONDA."

I was proud of her.

I noticed SoPie's face;

Bitch assed mutha fuckah he's mah lovah boy now, so dont fucking fuck with me niggs

Or maybe that was just me. But she looked madder. "Don't go near my baby then." She said, and walked back to Bustin.

As I nearly barfed my intestines on her shoes.

She enveyed me. A lot. I thought she was my friend. But I guess not.

~Allyconda C. Xoxo

P.S. What does Envy mean.

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