Set 3- Chapter 13: Lunch Prices

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11:46 pm

Okay. I'm eating three small pieces of fucking chicken for two fucking dollars. WHO DECIDED THE COST OF THIS (beautiful, wonderful, tastey and extrodinary) SHIT?! ITS SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE FOR SCHOOL LUNCH.

Can't believe I pay 2 bucks for mini drumsticks.

I hate the prices her; just like how SoPie probably hates me. She needs to know she can have him. I don't need CRAP in my life.

I was eating with mah crew when I noticed Thirsty buying several cookies.

Is she really dat hungry?

Nah nah, Conscience. She wouldn't buy two handfull of cookies for nothing.

Marihuana looked in my direction.
"Whats so interesting over there?"

I pointed to Thirsty.

"Your not stalking her, are you?"

I didn't respond. She just looked at me, shocked for some reason.

"Are you lesbian?!-"

"Oh shut the fuck up Mar, eat your damn food."

"I finished my lunch- or should I say snack."

I rolled my eyes and noticed Thirsty left the where she was standing. I looked around, where'd she go?

I looked to my left, right, next to me, behind me, around the whole fuckin lunch room; she wasn't there.

"Where'd she go?" I whispered.

"Oh stop worrying, let the poor girl buy her shit, she could have that part of the month." Cassandbox said

"Well- where could she have gone with all those cookies?" I looked at her. Now she was curious. So was everyone else, till Par-par looked around and her eyes widened.

"What." I said to her.

She started shaking.

And pointed to where I would never thought of.

"WHY IS SHE SITTING ON BUSTIN'S LAP." Par-par said, with a quivering voice.

They all looked at me- noticing my rageful face. "Why are all my bæs starting to cling on to that bastard."

They knew shit got real.

I stomped over to Bustin's table. I layed my eyes on Thirsty, giving her the glare. "Why." She knew what I was talking about- right then and there.

"It's only because Bustin never did anything to you."

I stared into her soul. "Well that still doesn't give you the right to get all up with a guy I used to like-"

"A guy you used to stalk! Not like! Allyconda," she got up, Bustin following her with his eyes. He smirked. "Your blaming him, for your doings?"

"Since when did you care about this." I said, seriously. "Don't make me mad, Thirsty. You were my first friend and now your doing THIS to YOURSELF."


I know I know I made no sense at all. All I want is for her to stay away from that idiot.

Why? Like she said- you did this to yourself. He didn't change you, you just liked him too much. You can't blame a guy for just being him.

I scoffed at my own self.

You know, I never thought you could be so stupid, conscience.

"Well what if I like him? Huh?" Thirsty said, whispering in my ear. "Your not my mother." She turned around and say next to Bustin.

Well I warned her. She'll be encountering heart break any day now.

I went back to my table and didn't talk to my squad.


"My toilet paper's rough" Par-par complained.

"Worst of all after a bad toilet," Lynn-Bin said," is a small lunch for a stupid price."

They all laughed. But then Marihuana noticed my silence.

"Yo, Allyconda whats going on? Wha happened with Thirsty and-"

"She likes Bustin." I inturrupted.

They were all shocked, staring at me like I murdered someone, or like they've seen a ghost.

I went to the bathroom to cool off.


This probably wasn't his fault at all. It was probably all mine. He didn't change me, I did. Bustin's innocent, I'm the one to blame.

I looked in the mirror.

"I should've never told Bustin it was his fault." I whispered to myself.

I looked at my feet, feeling shame.

"Whats wrong, huh?" I heard behind me. I glanced back at the mirror and noticed that mean face anywhere, creeping up behind me.

"Tell me. Was it YOUR idea of setting up Thirsty and Bustin?" she asked.

"I told you I backed off."

"Well looks like your friend DIDN'T. I told you he's mine."

Thats when everything went down hill.

SoPie was angry. Pissed. And all I HAD was regret.

~Allyconda C. Xoxo

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