Chapter 1

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Sunlight......Something needed to keep the world moving forward and signal the new day....however I consider it an enemy when it wakes me or my girlfriend up. I sit up and stretch looking over to my currently sleeping girlfriend.

???: *Ngh*

Y/N: (She's so cute when she's asleep.) *Whsipers* Bonnie...

Bubblegum: *Ngh*.....

Y/N: *Whispering* Bonnie...time to get up.

Bubblegum: *Groggy* Noo.....*mumble mumble* five more minutes....

Y/N: *Chuckes* Fine...five more minutes.

As I tried to stand I feel her suddenly wrap around my waist.

Bonnie: Stay with me in this cozy bed....

Y/N: Bonnie, what time did you sleep last night?

Bonnie: ..........*Yawn* 4am.

Y/N: ..........Okay maybe you should stay in a bit longer.

I gave her a couple of head pats and lay her back down. Quietly and quickly getting dressed I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Y/N: *Whispering* I'll be back soon. I've got some errands to run.

Bonnie: *Yawn* Okay....zzzzzzz

Hoping out the window and landing in some bushes. I make sure the coast is clear before emerging.

Y/N: Okay...Now to get back home before anyone notices...

Quickly making my way through the Candy covered streets I leave the kingdom and head to the place I call home. A pretty big tree house out near the middle of the entire kingdom. Approaching the house quietly opening the door I sneak inside and make my way up a ladder getting off just as I reach the kitchen.

Y/N: (*Silent Cheering*)

My moment of Cheering was intrupted unfortunately when a sudden click echoed in the room.

(*Loud sipping*)

Looking over I see Jake sitting in a corner of the room slowing spinning on a chair for what I assume dramatic effect.

Jake: Well well....what have we here...

Y/N: Oh! H-Hey! Mornin Jake. N-Nice uh day isn't?

Jake: It prey tell why are you comin home at this hour?

Y/N: (Uh-oh) Oh you know t-the sunrise is such a beautiful sight to behold! A-a-and I just couldn't start the day off with seein it once this week.

Jake: Hmm...

Y/N: (*Nervously Smiling*) Eh heh heh...

Jake: Okay....Fine I believe you.

Y/N: *Phew*

Jake: I'mma make us somethin to chow down on go see if Finn's up.

Y/N: Got it.

My relationship with Bubblegum wasn't something that should I put it...public knowledge? Hence the sneaking around just to see her. Jake's been noticing me disappearing every so often and because of that carelessness he knows somethings up. As long as I don't leave a trail back to Bubblegum everything should be fine. Poking my head into Finn and Jake's room I see Finn stretching in his bed.

Y/N: Finn? Yo you up?

Finn: *Yawn* Yea just about...

Y/N: Well hurry on down or your bro's are gonna eat it all.

Finn: Hey!

I slid down the ladder and back into the kitchen. As I sat down Jake handed me a cup of coffee.

Y/N: Thanks dude. *Sip*

Finn and Jake weren't really my brothers...Heck I don't even think we shared the same mom, but we've known each other for so long that we kinda just became family.......which is why it bums me out to know that I have to lie to them about PB and me. I also have suspicions that Finn might be in love with her and—

Jake: Yo Y/N! You okay?

Y/N: Huh?

Jake: Normally you'd be tearing through that Beacon the moment the plate hit the table, but you haven't touched it yet.

Maybe I could tell just Jake...At least that would ease my conscious a bit...

Y/N: Well...actually—

Before I could say anything Finn drops in and sits in the middle of us.

Finn: What up my brothas!

Jake: Mornin Finn.

Jake slid him a plate of Beacon and pancakes. I watch his eyes light up as he begins to chow down.

Jake: So what were you gonna say dude?

Y/N: Oh! Uh....I'll tell you later... Right now let's dig in!

I shouted as I started to eat.


Finn: So anyone have something to do?

Y/N: Well Bubblegum asked me to pick up a few things for her, but I can take care of that myself later honestly.

Finn: Naw man! It's not a good idea to keep a lady waiting! Especially PB.

Y/N: *Sips Coffee* You know, your right. Hopefully we can be done before sunset.

Finn: Why?

Y/N: I something I need to do.

Finn: Oh. Well let's get going then!

Y/N: You comin Jake?

Jake: feels like one of those days that's so chill so relaxin I can lay on the couch and do at peace with my self you know?

Y/N: Uh...Okay.

Finn: Later Jake!

As Finn and I walked he pulled out a flute and started to jam.

Y/N: Your getting really good at toot'n that flute.

Finn: Soon I'll be the best dang flute tooter out here!

Y/N: Oh! Wait up!

I realize we were close to the home of none other then Marceline The Vampire Queen. I dig through Finn's backpack once again and pull out a small Amp.

Finn: When was that in there?

Y/N: Since yesterday. I'm surprised you never noticed.

I quickly placed it on her porch and ran back outside. Once in the clear I pulled out a note pad.

Y/N: "Return Amp to Marceline."  Check. We still need an "eye" of glass, a map to an old tomb being held by hotdog princess and "a bottle of magic for analysis".

Finn: Is Marceline still not talking to you?

Y/N: No....unfortunately...let's get back to the list okay? Next Eye of glass?

Finn: Does she mean an "I" of glass or an "Eye" of glass?

Y/N: ..........Huh.....guess will see.

As Finn an I set off to grab the items I took a look back at Marceline's place.

Y/N: I wish you would talk to me....

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