Chapter 9

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Things can never be simple can they. Something always comes along and makes things complicated. We stood in the kitchen everyone ready to fight. Marceline, Doc and I against some girl and cat.

Girl: How the heck did you get in here!

Y/N: I live here!

Cat: Nuh uh! I ain't seen your face around here!

Y/N: Yea I could say the same for you! Where's Finn and Jake!?

Girl: Who?

Y/N: Finn and Jake! My bro's! The other two who live here with me?!

Girl: There isn't anyone here with those names!

Y/N: Then how would I have the key to open the front door?!

Cat: You obviously took it from us when we weren't lookin!

Doc: ........I mean that is a possibility.

Y/N: Your not helping!

Doc: Sorry.

Girl: You!

She took out a sword and pointed it towards Marceline.

Girl: Your a vampire right? Are you one of Marshall Lee's friends?

Marceline: Who I don't-

Girl: If you are then tell him breaking and entering isn't funny! It's just flat out creepy.

Doc: Okay, we all just need to relax and take this again from the top.

We watch as Doc slowly approaches the duo. Once close enough he extended his hand.

Doc: My name is....well my nickname Doc. These two are Marceline and Y/N.

She slowly shook his hand even if she seemed somewhat hesitant.

Fiona: I'm Fiona....and this is my buddy Cake.

Cake: You fools try anything suspicious *Blam!* It's curtains for you.

Doc: Okay....Noted....See? This isn't so bad right?

Y/N: Long as no one tires anything were cool.

Doc: That reminds me...we need to change those bandages.

Y/N: Oh, there some-

Fiona: There's a medical kit behind the couch. Hang on I'll get it...Cake keep an eye on them.

Cake salutes in response as Fiona starts to dig around the back of the did she know about the medical kit Finn keeps behind the couch? The only reason I knew of it was when I cleaned back there and asked him it. Apparently Bmo had been playing doctor and kept using up the supplies inside.

Doc: Thanks you. Now Y/N please lay down.

Y/N: Huh? Y-yea sure.

He slaps on some gloves gloves starts to unwrap my leg. Letting Doc work I see Fiona and Marceline strike up a conversation. I couldn't really focus on what they were talking about. All my energy went into trying not to wince as the pressure from the wrap lessened.

Doc: You know....that girl....she kinda reminds me of Finn a little.

Y/N: Why?

Doc: Just....I mean look at her. Shirt, Hat, Blonde hair....heck even her fighting stance was almost the same.

Y/N: ...........

Doc: Never mind....just thinking out loud.

Fionna: Hey.

Adventure Time: Complications (3)Where stories live. Discover now