Chapter 15 (Final)

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(Candy Kingdom Castle)

(Bubblegum's Room)


I sat on the edge of our bed looking at the Candy Kingdoms newspaper "Sweet Gossips" and it's front page cover. "EXTRA! Princess Bubblegum And Her Secret Man! (continued on pg 5.) "

Y/N: Well....word got around really quick.....and all we did was hold hands in the Kingdom.

Bubblegum: It will take time for them to fully understand our relationship. They aren't exactly......what's the word....

Y/N: Smart?

Bubblegum: I was thinking something less hurtful, but yes.

Bubblegum yelled from the bathroom. I was surprised she could hear me with the shower running.

Y/N: Hopefully we don't get swarmed by them tomorrow. I wanted to try out that new karaoke place for our 4 year anniver-

Suddenly the lights flipped off.

Y/N: Huh? Something wrong with the power?

Thankfully the Moonlight was bright enough to keep the darkness at bay. As I stood up to try and feel my way around I was suddenly tugged back down and felt arms wrapped around my waist and someone resting their head against my back.

Bubblegum: W-wait...

I hear her say softly....A hint nervousness in her voice....

Y/N: Bonnie? What are you-

Bubblegum: I love you....

I felt her grip tighten around me

Y/N: Wha.....what did you say?

She pulled herself closer towards me.

Bubblegum: I-I said.....I love you.

She said it twice and I still couldn't believe it...

Bubblegum: Well?...

She said shakily

Bubblegum: D-don't you have something to say to me?....

I took several quiet deep breaths to calm myself. As I try and turn myself to face her she stops me half way.

Y/N: I wanna say this right.....facing the most important thing in my world.

She slowly moved her hands away as I continued to turn towards her. I felt as if my heart could jump outta my chest at any moment. I cup her hands with mine and look into her eyes.

Y/N: Bubble-......No.....Bonnie. One of the smartest, caring, and the most amazing person that I've ever met......I love you and I'd gladly lay my life for you.

Bonnie: Y/N...

Y/N: I'd see myself living by your side from now and—.....uh.....P-p-princess....your...

Before I could respond she pins me down onto the bed. Her face completely redden...and her breathing quickened. She laid herself onto me keeping her head tilted to the side away from me.

Bonnie: I....I want you to prove you love me...

I hold her tightly before lifting her head towards me and giving her a kiss.

Y/N: As you wish....Princess...


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