Chapter 10.5 (Short)

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(Finn—er—Fiona and Cake's house)


Y/N: And that's what happened...

Doc: help devise a plan for Marceline to get back with Bubblegum, but instead you used it to confide your love for her......yikes.

Y/N: I know....I mean...I'm glad Bubblegum gave me a chance, but now every time I look at Marceline....all I feel is gut wrenching betrayal.

Doc: I assume you've tried to apologize?

Y/N: Multiple times....but things usually get heated between us.

Doc: Why do you think that is?

Y/N: Because she hate me? Were you listening at all?

Doc: You think she feels bad?

Y/N: Huh?

Doc: Maybe she could see that you did like her, but was too focused on herself to notice. Maybe she wanted to let you take your chance, but part of her didn't.

Y/N: I...

Doc: If there's anything I've learned in my life it's no friendship is easy......well that and streaking in Lumpy Space is considered a major offense.

Y/N: What?

Doc: The point is.....if Marceline really hated your guts she'd be long gone by now. If I recall didn't she try to save you before you got sucked into the weird vortex?

Y/N: Y-yea.....

Doc: No one truly hates another would do that. If anything....I think she's dealing with some conflicting feelings of her own.

Y/N: .........Mind if I ask you something?

Doc: Well, we are sharing and all.

Y/N: What's with the open lantern? Isn't that know....dangerous?

His gaze focused on the little roaring fire and he smiled.

Doc: It reminds me of home.

Y/N: Oh....okay...

Doc: What?

Y/N: No nothing.

Doc: That wasn't a nothing "Okay". That was "I think he's hiding some dark secret" type of "okay".

Y/N: I'm....sorry I asked?

Doc: Well you should be.

He plops back down onto his side in a Huff. Eventually he began to stare into the fire Oddly enough it looked like it calmed him down. He soon fell asleep as I started to feel the exhaustion setting in.

Y/N: I'll make this right....somehow.

I thought about what Doc told me and look over to Marceline still asleep and hovering.

Y/N: I wish I'd done things differently.....maybe we'd still be friends.....I should have told you about how I felt.....and the guilt that followed me after.

I let out a small sigh before turning onto my side. My eyes eventually became heavy as I drifted off into sleep. Strangely enough....I felt a little better just talking to someone about this...even if I didn't know them that well.

Adventure Time: Complications (3)Where stories live. Discover now