Chapter 13

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(General Pov)

F. Doc: Okay.....I think that should have our bases covered.

Gumball: And if the theory is correct....this shouldn't be that hard to pull off.

F. Doc: High-five!

*High-five slaps*

Female Doc and Gumball finished building a heavily secure environment.

F. Doc: Hopefully this let's us avoid another major quake.

Gumball: Hopefully. I wonder what's taking them so long?

F. Doc: Well we did kinda sent them into the metaphorical lions'm sure they'll be fine.

Suddenly the doors to the room burst open. As Y/N, Marceline and Doc walk in covered in soot and slightly singed.

Y/N: That was your plan?

Doc: worked the first time.

Marceline: I doubt it worked with 13 cans of gasoline.

Doc: I didn't think that-


Doc looks besides him and sees Gunter holding out a flipper.

Doc: Oh right.

He hands him a 5 dollar bill and shakes his hand.

Gunter: *Wack Wack*

He waddles away.

(Y/N Pov)

We did many chapters we did it...we were going to each go home....I could see Bubblegum again...and hopefully....

Y/N: We could work things out.

Marceline: Did you say something?

Y/N: N-No! No....I'm just thinking out loud.

I hand over the Enchiridion to Gumball and he and Girl Doc start to set things up. She places the Crystals into a tube located in the center of the room and flips a switch.

F. Doc: Okay now all we've gotta do is let these things gather energy and will be golden!

Marceline: So longs that gonna take?

Gumball: About a day.

F. Doc: Seeing how this could be your last day here why don't you guys take a look around?

Doc: Hm....that does give me a chance to do something.

Y/N: Something like?

Doc: I'll see you guys later. I've got some business to deal with.

With that Doc sprinted out of the room. Almost as if he already knew who he was going to see and where to find them. Oh well...

Marceline: So this....Marshal Lee guy.....what's his deal?

F. Doc: I was wondering when curiosity would get the better of you.

She gestures Marceline and I to follow her.

F. Doc: You got this?

Gumball: *Pfff* Of course I do.

F. Doc: Cool. We'll be back.

As Marceline and Doc head out I hung back a bit and tapped Gumball on the shoulder.

Gumball: Oh. What's up?

Y/N: There's a Doc and their's a Marceline....does that mean....

Gumball: You might have an opposite?

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