Chapter 7

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Marceline: Y/N!.......Y/N!

Y/N: *Cough! Cough* Ugh....Marceline?

Marceline: Good...your still alive.

Y/N: What happened?

Marceline: I'm.....not entirely sure.

Looking around I realize we were still in the same room yet no one else was here. The Yellow crystal laid shattered into four separate parts on the floor.

Y/N: Where is everyone?

Marceline: Dunno....we got sucked into that weird black void then *poof* we're here.

Y/N: Weird....(Wait....I fell in alone right? Did....did Marceline try and save me?)

As I sit up I realize my leg had been bandaged. I lightly touch the back of my head and feel some thread. Had it been sown?

Y/N: Huh....I didn't know you knew how to treat injuries.

Marceline: Yea....well bout that.


Looking over too the corner of the room I see a man sitting up and stretching. He looks at me and starts to walk over.  The Mask was enough to make me try and jump to my feet.....however Marceline stops me before I try anything.

Marceline: Woah! Relax....he's alright. He or it....fixed you up.

"It" as Marceline put it crouched near inches away from my face. "Its" mask...or rather the nose from the mask almost touched my face. "It" also had a satchel which I could hear various things jiggling inside.....

???: *Muffled Sounds*

Y/N: I......

???: *Muffled noises*

Y/N: Sorry....not quite catching that.

Marceline: Yea, I wasn't able to understand it either.

"It" pointed at the back of my head and my leg. Was it asking how I was feeling?

Y/N: I feel better?

"It" gave me a thumbs up. I watched as "it" dug around its  satchel until a thermometer was found.

Y/N: Uh whats—

Before I could ask, the thermometer was shoved into my mouth. It was quickly followed by a sudden syringe shot to my arm.

Y/N: Ouch!

Placing a bandage on my arm "It" looked over at Marceline. I think "it" was making sure she wasn't hurt either.

Marceline: I'm good.

Y/N: Thanks...


The awkward silence was suddenly replaced by my stomach rumbling.

Y/N: Oh uh...pardon me. Guess all that running really worked up an appetite.

Marceline: Well...what could we do? There really isn't any food in—

An apple and orange are suddenly shoved in our faces.

Y/N: Hey thanks!

Marceline: Y-yea thanks.

"It" nods before rummaging around its bag some more. I hand Marceline the Apple and she hands me the Orange.

Y/N: *Nom Nom*.....So......What do you think about our friend?

Marceline: Did you not peel the Orange?

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