Chapter 12

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"The young man entered the room completely unsure of what to make of his situation. He thought, "What if I never see the beauty of this young woman? How could I ever possibly live with myself?"

"When suddenly.....from behind some beautiful curtains he heard a noise."

"The young man peak behind the curtains and laid his eyes on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen! The girl sat up from her bed and stretched and eventually noticed the young man staring at her."

"Man: What is your name you gorgeous bomb shell?."

"Girl: Why....I am the Ice Queen and I have been waiting so long for a handsome knight to come whisk me away from this dreaded cage and set me free."

"The young man step towards the young beautiful, attractive, bodacious, bomb shell and and towered over her."

"Man: Forgive me princess....but I'd like to collect my reward....early....."

"Girl: Oh sir knight! We mustn't.......but....if you must....then I guess I have no—"

Y/N: Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold on a sec!

I couldn't take it anymore. 10 hours of fanfic after fanfic I just couldn't take it anymore. That and we were hitting very dangerous scenarios. Unfortunately I was chained to the floor so my options on how to handle this situation were kinda limited.

Ice Queen: You dare interrupt the adventures of Sir Pecs and his merry band of muscles!?

Y/N: Its just well....uh....

I look over and see Marceline still half frozen and asleep.... Doc......yup....still frozen.

Y/N: M-maybe it could be more enjoyable if the others joined us?

Ice Queen: Hmm.....

She thought about it for a second before snapping her fingers. A small army of penguins suddenly filled the room and stood in front of the her.

Ice Queen: Help a girl out and move those two over here.

Penguins: ...............*Wack!*

They started to split into groups and started to push the my iced friends. How easily she was able to make them follow her commands both amazed and terrified me. Once they pushed then into place one Penguin slid up to the Ice Queen and saluted.

Penguin: ......*Wack!*

Ice Queen: Good work Gunter! Now let mama work her magic.

She points her fingers at Marceline and shouts "Zap!" Loudly. She frees Marceline and zaps her again to make a ball and chain of ice. She does this once more to Doc.

Doc: *Gasp!* Oh I hate that! I really *Achoo!* Hate that.

Ice Queen: There....Now that I've got myself a bigger audience you and I well go and pick out something exciting!

She walks into another room as the penguins detached the chain from the floor and used the ball to roll me into the room after her.

Y/N: Exciting? What do you mean exciting?!

(General Pov)

Doc Sat on the cold floor as Marceline still seemed to be asleep. He tried to warm himself up while looking for away out.

Doc: Marceline! Wake up!

Marceline: ................

Doc: I know your awake. You taught me how to tell the differences incase of emergencies.

Marceline: I did?

Doc: Yes. Now how are we getting out of here?

Marceline: What's the rush?

Doc: Your enjoying (Y/N) suffering aren't you?

Marceline: I'd be lying if I said no.

Doc: *Sigh* You know he thinks you hate him. Like really hate him.

Marceline: Is now really a good time to talk about this?

Doc: We're all stuck here. So....unless you've got a way out.

Marceline: ............

Doc: ......Do you?

Marceline: don't  know....

Marceline sits up and hugs her knees.

Marceline: I'm....happy they found someone....but why did it have to be with my someone...

Doc: Love Marceline....Love is complicated.

Marceline: It also sucks.

Doc: True yes it also sucks sometimes, but it's the good times you should be remembering right?

Marceline: .....I guess....

Doc shuffles over to Marceline and tries to pat her head, but only manages to reach near her leg.

Doc: You two just need to talk to each other and (Hopefully) you two could work things out.

Marceline: ........Maybe your—

Ice Queen: Okay! We found a good one!

Ice Queen confidently walks back into the room as the herd of penguins bring an unconscious Y/N behind her.

Doc: What did you do with him?!

Ice Queen: I kept reading synopsis after synopsis until we found a book so good he passed out from excitement!

Y/N: *Gurgle Gurgle*

Drool slowly started to from around Y/N's mouth. Gunter waddled up towards him and slaps him awake.

Y/N: Wha? Huh? Where—Oh.....right.

Ice Queen giggles maniacally as she jumps onto her ice throne.

Ice Queen: Get comfy kiddos this story is gonna be a doozy! Ta-Da!

She holds up a book high in the sky titled "50 Shades of Ice" and giggles with excitement.

Ice Queen: I've been wanting to read this with company! Especially *heh heh* handsome company!

Doc: I don't think this story's gonna be age appropriate. Maybe we could check another—*Ouch!*

Y/N elbows Doc on his side leans in close.

Y/N: *Whispering* Take a look at the book.

Doc: *Whispering* Yes it's part one of six. What's your point?

Y/N: *Whispering* Look closer.

Doc: Look closer wha....

As Doc carefully examines the book he notices the crudely drawn cover didn't quite fit. As Ice Queen fiddles with the book cover she tears it slightly showing part of the Enchiridion.

Doc: :o

Y/N: *Whispering* We've gotta get that book.

Marceline: *Whispering* What are you two Whispering about?

Doc gesture towards the Ice Queens book.

Marceline: :o

Doc: *Whispering* I know right?

Marceline: *Whispering* Y/N.....whats the plan?

Y/N seemed surprised at Marceline's tone. Spite didn't echo In her words....and sounded.....sounded like old times.

Y/N: *Whispering* Your not gonna like this, but..........we're gonna have to endure some fanfic.

Doc: ........Can I be refrozen please?

Marceline: We suffer as a team.

Doc: .........I hate this team.

Ice Queen: Chapter 1 of 243, "It all started....."


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