Chapter 6

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Y/N: ............................Ugh.......My head...

I tried my best to look at my surroundings. Unfortunately my vision blurred and all I could see was darkness. I tried to move, but as soon as I tried to stand my left leg buckled under the sudden weight.

Y/N: Agh!.....yep....that's broken.

I try to use my sword as a cane, but didn't feel it on me.

Y/N: No protection....that's not good either.

I manage to crawl towards the wall and use it to help prop me up. My vision slowly returned as I finally got a better look at my situation.

Y/N: I' a hole? But how?

It suddenly came back to me. I vented my frustration by practicing my sword fighting against a tree when suddenly the ground started to shake.

Y/N: I guess that quake collapsed the ground underneath me.

I suddenly felt a creeping pain from the back of my head. Running my hand around the back of my head I suddenly felt something warm...

Y/N: I'm pretty sure that's supposed to stay inside of me......where's —

I look up at the newly created hole and see my sword sitting on the edge.

Y/N: That's great....just great...everything things just–*Ngh!*

My head started to throb as I became agitated. As I tried to calm down I notice a sound echoing behind me. The more I listened the louder it got.

Y/N: What in the......

I look next to me and see the Enchiridion on the floor. I grab it and start trying to create some distance from me and whatever made that noise.....

(Back With Finn and Bubblegum...)

(General Pov)

Bubblegum and Finn carefully navigated through the debris of fallen trees and splintered ground. Yelling out Y/N's name as they carefully carried on.

Finn: Y/N! Bro! You okay!?

Bubblegum: Y/N! Answer us!

With no luck they press on further into the forest.

Bubblegum: Oooh....Y/N.....please be okay.

Finn: Don't worry P.B. If I know my bro he's gonna be just fine.

Bubblegum: You think so?

Finn: Yup. Probably waiting for us to come save him.

Bubblegum: Why did he take the Enchiridion with him?

Finn: Probably wants to go at it alone I suppose.

Bubblegum: But—

Jake: Yo dudes!

Finn and Bubblegum look behind them to see Jake and Marceline rapidly approaching them.

Marceline: You two okay?

Jake: Did you find our angry Boi?

Finn: Not yet.

Bubblegum: What are you two doing here?

Jake: Were a little late, but your energy thing-a-majig was going all Wako and we wanted to tell you.

Bubblegum: Wait...Did you happen to bring it?


Handing the device over to Bubblegum she reads the data on the screen.

Bubblegum: What the—

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