Chapter 3

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(Outside Of Marceline's Cave...)

I stood outside of Marceline's home pacing back and forth trying to figure out how exactly to proceed. Stopping home I picked up Jake along the way for some boost to my morale.

Jake: So, Why does Marceline hate your guts?

Y/N: *Pssh* She doesn't hate me......not completely.....I hope.

Jake: Okay....but why though?

Y/N: I....I can't tell you. Not yet anyway. Look just *Sigh* what do you think I should do?

Jake: I say more to another continent entirely. Once you get on Marceline's bad side it's almost impossible to be happy In life. It's scientifically been proven.

Y/N: Geez...Thanks for the confidence boost.

Peaking from behind a rock I try my best to get a glimpse into Marceline's house.

Y/N: *Deep Breaths* Okay....I'm going in. If I don't make it back just know....I love you both.

Jake: Got it.

Y/N: Gah! Jake! That was your cue to try and stop me!

Jake: Oh man! You should have clued me in better! Let's try It again! I-I think I can think of a speech to convince you to leave!

Y/N: Forget it. The moments gone.

I began my decent into the cave, slowly making my way closer and closer to the door. A quick glance around I spot a piece of wood with a picture of me taped onto it. It had several deep cuts along it.

Y/N: *Gulp* Okay...Maybe she isn't home and I can just—No! You promised Bonnie you'd try!

Upon reaching the door I tap it twice.

Y/N: Marceline! ......It's uh....It me! (Y/N)!


Y/N: I need to talk to you!


Y/N: Marceline! Are you there?


Y/N: I know you probably hate my bits like there's no tomorrow, but I really need to talk to you........Marceline?


Y/N: *Sigh*

As I turn to leave the door slowly creaks open behind me. Every cell in my body screamed, "Walk away! You gave it a shot!." But I choose to go in anyway. Once inside I noticed some some musical sheets laying on the floor. Before I could pick it up the lights suddenly flicked off. My breathing quickened as I tried to my best to remain calm.

Y/N: I know you don't wanna see me or be anywhere near me—Ah!

Something heavy fell next to me and caused me to jump a bit. I could feel my heart beat start to pick up and I knew she might be enjoying every second of this.

Y/N: Marceline this isn't funny. Can we please just talk?

The lights quickly flicked on as Marceline suddenly appeared Infront of me. The sudden appearance made me stumble back a bit before collecting myself.

Y/N: *Ahem* H-How have you been?....It's uh...It's been awhile hasn't it?

Marceline: What do you want Y/N?

Her voice sounded so cold towards me...

Y/N: about a Hello from an old friend? (I Shouldn't have said that.)

Marceline: Friend? Yea...right. You and I haven't been friends since....Ugh!

She floated into her kitchen and put up an apple. Sinking her fangs into it I watched as the color drained. Eating the color was a strange way to survive, but it was better then the alternative.

Y/N: I know I screwed up—

Marceline: Big time.

Y/N: Look! Bubblegum found something. Something huge and....well we could really use your help.

Marceline: What about asking your "Bros".

Y/N: Against my better judgment their coming with. So is Bubblegum...

Marceline: What?

Y/N: I didn't want her to come along....actually I'd rather do this solo incase anything went wrong, but you know how she gets sometimes.

Marceline: So let me get this straight. Not only are you putting your own family in danger, but Bubblegum's as well? Am I getting that right?

Y/N:.........I mean....your not wrong...

Marceline: Okay. Cool. What a "Hero".

Y/N: ........We're leaving tomorrow morning......I hope your there....If not for me then for her....

I turn and leave closing the door behind me. Letting out a huge sigh I walked back.

Y/N: Come on Jake....let's find Finn and pack our stuff.

Jake: You okay? Your not lookin so good.

Y/N: ........Relationships are hard.

Jake: Amen to that brother.

Y/N: So how are the kids?

Jake: Oh man! Being a dad's tough! First—

I found myself zoning out listening to Jake. My mind drifted back to that decision I made really messed things up. Well....for me anyway....I think Marceline and Bubblegum still talk, but....

Jake: And that's why you always knock before entering someone else's room!


I laid awake on the couch staring into the darkness of the ceiling. Marceline cold voice echoing in my head. She clearly wanted nothing to do with me.....

Y/N: *Sigh*......


Y/N: Huh?

Grabbing my phone I almost drop it from the vibration. Checking my the I.D. I see Bubblegum's picture.

Y/N: Hello?

Bubblegum: "Hey...How did it go?"

Y/N: It could have gone a lot better.

Bubblegum: "Its still bad huh?"

Y/N: Yup.....she didn't say it, but anyone could tell she didn't want me there......least of all me talking to her.

Bubblegum: "Its okay Y/N.......I guess I sorta knew this was going to be the case and I asked you anyway....."

Y/N: Its okay........I was hoping she'd be in a better mood too, but I guess some wounds take longer to heal then others.

Bubblegum: "Do you regret it?

Y/N: Regret what?

Bubblegum: "What happened....that night."

Y/N: Course not...I just wished the circumstances were different.....Do you think she'll show up tomorrow?

Bubblegum: "I'm not sure honestly....."

Y/N: Well worry about that tomorrow. For now get some sleep Princess...we have a big day tomorrow, saving the world and all that.

Bubblegum: "Okay....Sweet Hero."

Y/N: Sweet dreams....Princess.

Bubblegum: "*Giggles* Good night."

Y/N: Night...

As I hung up I could hear Bubblegum's voice now echoing in my head.

(My Hero, My Hero, My Hero...)

Y/N: ...................Well now I'm just wide awake now.

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