Chapter 10

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(3 Years Ago)

(Night Time)

Thanks to the bartender I worked up enough courage to ask Bubblegum to dance. Though the closer I got to her the more nervous I became.

Y/N: (Don't you second guess yourself! This is happening! This is-)

Someone accidentally bumped into me and practically tossed me into Bubblegum's arms.

Bubblegum: Hey Y/N. Wanna dance?

Y/N: I-I-I *Slaps self* I'd LOVE TOO.

Thankfully the music was loud enough to drown out my sudden scream.

Bubblegum: Are you okay? I don't think I've ever seen you so nervous.

Y/N: Sorry.....Partying is more Finn and Jake's thing and honestly I'm kinda drawing a blank on what to do exactly.

Bubblegum: Here just follow my lead.

Before I knew it...Bubblegum and I were just dancing...and it felt relaxing even with all these people around. It was a feeling I didn't want to end, but unfortunately it was. I was suddenly pulled to the side by Marceline.

Marceline: Okay...Y/N it's time to enact the plan!

Y/N: I...uh...the what?

Marceline: The plan dude! You know? The plan you came up with to get me and Bubblegum back together?

Y/N: Oh! R-right. The plan....

I went through the plan again in my head just to make sure I had everything right.

1. Make sure Bubblegum is in a good mood before proceeding.

2. Isolate Bubblegum by taking her to somewhere quiet.

3. Make an excuse to leave her alone for a bit. (Staying close to make sure nothing happens to her.)

4. Marceline swoops in with gifts and a song in order to sway Bubblegum.

5. Profi-I mean happiness.

I honestly think getting things she liked took longer then I did coming up with this plan.

Y/N: Okay....well she is in a good mood, but Marceline I wanted-

Marceline: Great! So we move on to phase two.

Y/N: Okay, but seriously Marceline I needed to talk about-

Marceline: We'll talk later. Just focus on the plan. Give me a call when phase three is ready to start.

With that she disappeared back into the crowd.

Y/N: *Sigh*.....Stick to the plan Y/N.

Bubblegum: What plan?

I yelp as I realize Bubblegum stood behind me.

Y/N: Oh! Heheh you know just a plan to make sure I enjoy my night to the fullest! Eheheh.....

I tried my best to pretend nothing was happening and smiled. It was difficult since Bubblegum looked like she was analyzing every part of my face.

Y/N: *Ahem* why don't we go outside? Get some fresh air Huh?

Bubblegum: Well I guess I could-

Y/N: Great! Let's go!

I grab her hand and lead her outside. Taking her a little further away from the party then originally planned, but nothing I couldn't work with.....Wait why did I take her out further?

Once I stopped moving I realized we were standing in a small field of flowers. Several differently brightly colored flowers surrounded us both.

Y/N & Bubblegum: Woah....

Bubblegum: These are beautiful.

Bubblegum knelt down to examine the flowers. There faint light from the moon caused her to glow slightly.

Y/N: You are beautiful....

Bubblegum: Did you say something?

Y/N: Flowers! The flowers are really beautiful...

Bubblegum pulled out her phone and started snapping pictures of the flowers. Meanwhile I had trouble convincing my legs to move and my mind to follow the plan.

Y/N: (I should let Marcy know the slight change in location...)

I take out my phone and hover over Marceline's contact name. It felt as if my hand suddenly pushed against my motion. I couldn't bring myself to tap on her name...

Bubblegum: Y/N!

Y/N: Huh?

Looking over I see Bubblegum leaning over looking at something near the center of the field. Walking over my eyes were drawn towards a group of tall dark purple flowers. Fireflies flew around them making them extremely eye catching.

Bubblegum: So...hey....why did you bring me out here?

Y/N: Huh?.....For some fresh air of course...

Bubblegum: But that's not the real reason is it?

Y/N: W-why would you say that?

Bubblegum: You and I have known each other for awhile and in that time whenever your being less then tend to get nervous.

Y/N: Huh.....

Bubblegum: What?

Y/N: You noticed that?

Bubblegum: W-when you spend time with someone you start to notice little habits like that.

I could clearly see her slightly blushing. All the while my heart started to beat faster. Almost like it could jump out of my chest at any moment.

Y/N: Bubblegum....

Bubblegum: Y-yea?

As she turned her head towards me.....I rushed forward and kissed her.


Even though it was only a couple of seconds, it felt like an eternity of bliss. The softness of her lips was something I couldn't describe, but I wanted to feel over and over. As we pulled away from each other Bubblegum looked into my eyes before she abruptly turned away and hid her face.

Y/N: I....I....I think I go.

As I stood up to leave I felt a small tug on my sleeve.

Bubblegum: Don't leave...

She said while still facing away from me. Her grip tighten around my sleeve and only loosened once I sat back down.


This silence was breathing still hadn't settled down and my heart didn't fair better.

Y/N: Princess....I've gotta come clean. (Stop) I....really like you....well....I think it's more then that, but....I don't wanna rush it... (You Promised Marceline).

I inched closer towards Bubblegum until our shoulders touched.

Y/N: I like how smart you are....How you put the safety of your citizens before your own...challenging how far you push the boundaries of science.

Bubblegum: ..........

Y/N: Point is....I think your incredible..... and I hoped that you might wanna go out sometimes.....even though there's way better choices for you out there....Stronger dude's, Princes or maybe even—

I look up and spotted Marceline slowly slinking back into the tree lines. I wanted to explain to her what happened I wanted to get up and tell her "Okay she's ready for you.", but my body didn't move.....I wanted to hear Bubblegum's response....even if hurt someone in the process.

Adventure Time: Complications (3)Where stories live. Discover now