Chapter 2

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Y/N: I guess you were right was a giant glass "I".

Finn: See? We would have been stuck in that mirror maze for hours if we went in looking for a glass "Eye".

Y/N: Well at least it was fun...not like that tomb. Nothin but sand and bones.

Finn: Least we got the "I" and the bottle of magic.

Y/N: *Sigh* Well at least it's something.

We arrived at the entrance to the Candy Castle. Some Banana guards met us there and took the "I" and the magic away.

Finn: So! What's next?

Y/N: Actually, I've got business with Bubblegum and it might be awhile.

Finn: Oh...well I'm gonna see if I can find a dungeon to raid.

Y/N: Finn?

Finn: Huh? Yea?

Y/N: Do you.....forget it. I'll see you at home.

Finn: Uh...Kay.

Y/N: And becareful if you do find a dungeon!

I wanted to come clean to him about me and Bubblegum, but I think that'd do more harm then good. I made my up to Bubblegum's lab eager about getting to spend time with her....until...

Y/N: Oh uh...

I suddenly lost my balance and my vision blurred. I must've been exhausted and not even realized it. Leaning against the wall I tried to catch my breath.

Bubblegum: Y/N?

Feeling the sudden hand on my shoulder made me feel as if I was brought back to my senses.

Y/N: Bonnie.....

Bubblegum: Are you okay? You don't look well.

Y/N: I-I-I'm fine. *Ahem* We've brought what you asked.

Bubblegum: Excellent! That deserves a reward.

She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. As her lips pulled away from mine she giggled from seeing me start to redden.

Bubblegum: You need to get over that.

Y/N: You need to—*mumble mumble*

My ability to form a sentence disappeared the more flustered I became.

Bubblegum: Oh! Hey check this out.

She grabbed my hand and started to lead me towards her lab. Books and maps were scattered around the floor and tables. I tried my best not to step on any of it. She swipes a table clean tossing everything on it to the floor and slams open an old odd looking book.

Bubblegum: You remember this?

Taking a closer look I realized what the book was.

Y/N: Isn't that The Enchiridion? I thought we lost this during our excavation trip to the Ice Kingdom.

Bubblegum: Well it was sent to me by the Ice King.

Y/N: Wha—Why?

Bubblegum: He must have though it was a book of poems.

I flipped through some of the pages and saw some had entries scratched out and replaced with the Ice King's "Lyrics".

Y/N: "Oh Bubblegum, Oh Bubblegum, won't you let me taste those sweet lips of gum. If you don't think me a master of making out feast your eyes on my own written chapter 5. Now see my mad lip skillz and—"

Bubblegum rips the page out and tears it to bits.

Bubblegum: .............

Y/N: ............They are sweet tasting.

Bubblegum: Anyway!

She yells while lightly blushing. Flipping several pages into the book she stops at one which showed a small yellow rock. The page had been slightly torn and the words "Danger" were written across the picture.

Y/N: Is that something to make me forget about the poem?

Bubblegum: Unfortunately no. What it is exactly I'm not sure and nether is the book.

Y/N: Then why's it important?

Bubblegum: I think this could be a very unstable source of power.

Y/N: Unstable?

Bubblegum: Yep. If we leave it unattended it might do some damage to its surroundings and I can't even begin to calculate the size of it.

Y/N: That sounds bad...very bad.

Bubblegum: It might be.....but I have several plans incase something happens.

She said that so casually and confident....but I knew she wasn't. A small hint of worried were weaved into her words. I wondered if she truly had a backup plan or she said that so I wouldn't panic.

Y/N: Bonnie.

I grabbed her hand.

Bubblegum: Y-Yes?

Y/N: I know your afraid.

Bubblegum: O-o-of course I'm not! I just—

Y/N: Bonnie...

Bubblegum: *Sigh* ..........I'm a little worried. Since we don't know what this could potentially do our options of how to handle this

Y/N: I'll take care of. Just point me in the right direction.

Bubblegum: You are not heading out there alone.

Y/N: Try and—

Before I could finish my line I realize Bubblegum had used some of her gum to stick my hand to the table.

Y/N: Stop me........always six steps ahead Huh?

Bubblegum: Naturally. Now then I'm coming with.

Y/N: I figured.

Bubblegum: And just incase we'll be bringing along Finn and Jake.

Y/N: *Sigh* .....Figures.

Bubblegum began the process of unsticking me.

Bubblegum: Something wrong?

Y/N: No's just....about Finn...

Bubblegum: Y/N...

Y/N: I can't keep lying to him and Jake.......I know you wanna keep this private, but....

Bubblegum: Tell you about after we potentially save the Kingdom.....We make our public debut?

Y/N: Are you serious?

Bubblegum: You've done so much for this Kingdom and this reward only seems fair.

Y/N: Deal!

As she freed my hand I quickly picked her up and spun her around kissing her as I did.

Y/N: Alright! Let's get going! I'm ready, willing and able!

Bubblegum: Slow your roll there. First we must prepare and will need some extra help.

Y/N: So....I'll ask Finn and Jake to help?

Bubblegum: Well....yes.....but I was also thinking...

Y/N: Oh......

My happiness soon soured as I realize what or rather who she ment...

Y/N: I mean...I can try, but we still aren't exactly on good terms.

Bubblegum: She'll come. I know she will.

Y/N: *Sigh* Okay. I'll talk to her......hopefully she's calm down and won't try and end me on the spot.

Bubblegum: Your being dramatic.

Y/N: Am I?

Bubblegum: ..............Just try and avoid fighting.

Y/N: Okay....Well, I guess it time to go see Marceline.

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