Chapter 11

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(Candy Kingdom Hall)

Fiona, Cake, Marceline, Doc and I arrived at the Candy Kingdom. Banana guards ended up escorting us to Bubblegum's lab. I was just happy to see familiar faces.....even if they were all bananas.

Banana Guard: Your highness?! Fiona and Cake are here to see you!

???: Excellent! Send them in!

Fiona and Cake enter first with the rest of us following behind. My eyes were drawn to person currently welding something together. It looked like Bubblegum, but something felt off.

Y/N: .....Bonnie?

???: I'm sorry who?

Turning towards me and lifting up the welding mask I saw not my beautiful girlfriend, but a man? Who was also gum?

Fiona: *Ahem* Hey gumball.

Cake: See? That right there is Prince Gumball.

Gumball: Okay? So...what's up? You needed something?

Doc: Uhh....

Marceline: Uhh......

Y/N: Uhh.....

We stood there motionless mouths agape. It was as if we all were trying to process the same information, but weren't successful.

Marceline: I am very confused on what's happening.

Doc: I'm right up there with you.

I slowly walked up to Gumball and started to examine him from head to toe. To my knowledge Bubblegum was the only....Gum..... person....around. Well she did mention family at one point, but they were long gone.

Y/N: I don't......I don't understand....

Gumball: Uhh.....can someone explain what's going on?

Fiona: The short version is basically these guys said they knew you and kept calling you a Princess. When we pointed out that you weren't a princess and in fact a Prince they didn't believe us.

Cake: So we brought them here to kinda rub their faces in it.

I could feel my face going pale and my body stiffen. All the while trying to make since of what's going on. Suddenly Gumball walks over to Doc and stares at his hat.

Gumball: Excuse me, but where did you get this?

Doc: Huh? My hat? A close friend of mine gave it to me.

Gumball: I've only ever seen one person have this creature design on them.

Doc: Wha-?

???: Gumball! I finished checking out the last Candy citizen and see I told you there wasn't any reason to be-

We all turned to see a girl in a lab coat freeze mid step by the doorway.

???: Did I catch you at a bad time?

Gumball: Speaking of which here she is. The only person I've with that design.

???: W-what are you talking about?

It was almost the same....her and Doc....almost as if they could have been twins.....The only difference was she wore glasses and the little creature on her hat was pink.

Doc: Where did you get that?

???: I-uh-A close friend gave it to me.

Marceline: Wow.

???: Huh?

Y/N: An exact response.

Doc & Girl: Okay, it isn't that weird.

Adventure Time: Complications (3)Where stories live. Discover now