Chapter 4

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Banana Guard 1: All aboard! All aboard!

Banana Guard 2: Dude...this isn't a train. It's a truck.

Banana Guard 1: I-I know...but don't you just get the urge to yell that whenever you can the opportunity?

Banana Guard 2: No...especially when it's not a train.

Banana Guard 1: ..........Did you have fun when you were little? Like who hurt you?

Y/N: Guys....could you just help finish packing?

Banana Guard 1: Okay let's go you sad little Banana.

Banana Guard 2: I had a great childhood! Not everyone shouts that when they can!

I pinch the bridge of my nose as they walk away. Looking around I step onto the side of the truck.

Y/N: ......*Ahem*.....All aboard! Last call! All abo-

Finn: Hey man.

Y/N: Ah!

I jump at the sound of Finn's voice. Looking behind me Jake and Bubblegum both look like there trying to hold in laughs.

Y/N: *Ahem* S-so! Everyone ready to go?

Jake: Just about!

Finn: Isn't Marceline tagging along?

Y/N: .....Hopefully.

Bubblegum: Y/N you drive.

Y/N: Got it.

Bubblegum tosses me the keys to the truck, only to have them stop and float in mid air.

Y/N: Uh....Bubblegum? This a new type anti-gravity Keychain or something?

Marceline: Sup nerds.

Finn & Jake: Marceline!

Marceline: Hey guys. Bubblegum.

Bubblegum: Hey Marcy.

Marceline: So should we get going?

Finn: Jake and I got the the back!

I watch Finn jump into the back of the truck when I'm suddenly hit with the keys in my face.

Y/N: Ow!

Marceline: My bad.

As I rub my face Marceline and Bubblegum take their seat. Bubblegum being in the middle while Marceline took the right side.

Y/N: *Mocking voice* Good to see you Marceline. "Oh good to see you too (Y/N)."

*Honk Honk!*

Marceline: Yo! We going or what?

Y/N: I'm comin, I'm comin....

I slam the door shut and start up the truck. Bubblegum pulls our a small map and hands it to me.

Bubblegum: If we stick by this route then we should get their in about.....four or five hours?

Y/N: Sounds good.

(An Hour Into The Trip...)

As I found the path we needed to follow I could hear Finn and Jake having a would you rather conversation in the back.

Jake: Would you rather drink bath water courtesy of hot dog princess? Or anytime you bite into anything sweet there's a 50/50 chance of it turning into ground beef?

Finn: Both those sound awful.

Jake: You gotta choose dude! Them's the rules!

Meanwhile here in the front seat......

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