Chapter 8

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Doc: Thanks again for getting the mask off. I would have lost it if I had to spend another day in there!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Another human that isn't Finn?

Doc: It feels great to see aga- Marceline?

Marceline: Huh?

Y/N: You two know each other?

Marceline: Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone else.

Doc: Uh.....Is that a joke?

Marceline: No dude.

Doc: Your dad kidnapped me? Bubblegum and the others helped bring me back from the Nightosphere? You don't remember any of that?

Y/N: You know Bubblegum?

Doc: Of course! We used to date and-

Y/N: Whoa! Whoa! You dated her? When?!

Doc: Before that...who are you? I know Marceline, but I wasn't aware of another human besides Finn.

Y/N: You know Finn too?

Doc: do you know Finn? Heck how do you know Marceline?

Y/N: I'm Finns Technical brother.

Doc: He's never mentioned that.

Y/N: Yea well...he's never mentioned you.

Doc: How strange......Maybe that slam against the wall gave us a concussion....

A lot of question raced through my mind. How did he know Finn? Is he telling the truth about him and Bubblegum dating? Did we all have concussions?

Doc: Okay....for the sake of time and our sanity, let's figure out a way outta here. Then we'll see who's telling the truth. Sound good?

Y/N: Yea...sure.

Marceline: Yup.

Doc walked over to the shattered crystals and carefully examined each one. I slid over to Marceline and nudged her.

Y/N: *Psst* Think he's telling the truth?

Marceline: Not really. I mean I've never met him before....nor has Bubblegum ever mentioned someone like him.

Y/N: Hmm....keep an eye on him...who knows what he might try and pull.

Marceline: Sure.

Doc starts to walk back towards us holding two of the Crystals in hand.

Doc: So hear me out. What if...we put these in a corner and set them off?

Marceline: I'm pretty sure that isn't a good idea.

Doc: Nope, but it's the only one I had.

Y/N: Well...I mean it'll either work and we escape or we get knocked back into the wall again.

Doc: Either way someone should hear the explosion and come check it out right?

Marceline and I look at each other. She sighs before agreeing with the plan.

Doc: Great! Time for operation Freedom! Or our inevitable demise.

Y/N: Wha-?

Before I could ask he took off and piled the Crystals in a corner of the room. Having no cover we laid down and prepared to shield our heads. Doc slid beside us and put his satchel in front of him.

Y/N: So how exactly do you plan on setting this off?

Doc: With this.

In his hand he held what seemed to be some kind of thread?

Doc: Surgical wire. When 78% of Candy related injuries can be helped with fondant you end up having an abundance of this stuff just laying around.

Y/N: how are we doing this? A countdown or-

Doc: Nope! Fire in the hole!

We immediately duck our heads as he let's the wire go. A loud blast goes off as we struggle to keep ourselves from being tossed back. After a couple of seconds I feel Doc tapping my shoulder.

Doc: Ladies and gentlemen.....we have freedom.

He manged to blow a decently sized hole in the ground showing us a way out.

Doc: Marceline, if you would.

Marceline: Sure.

One by one she takes us onto the surface. Doc takes several more deep breaths.

Doc: Oh yea! That's the stuff....I outta thank you two for helping me get out of there. I guess this is where we part ways.

Y/N: Wait wait wait. Where are you taking the Crystals?

Doc: To...Bubblegum?

Y/N: Dude, your gonna risk blowing up the Candy Kingdom!

Doc: Hm....that is a risk...

Marceline: Plus we're not even sure if she's home right now....they could still be looking for us.

Doc: Who would be looking for us?

Y/N: Finn, Jake and Bubblegum!

Doc: Oh! Right! Heh, sorry... hunger is kinda messing with my memory.

We had two options. One was wait for the search party to (Hopefully) find us and Two was going to my home and checking if Finn and Jake were there. As I mulled over our options Doc suddenly held out the Crystals in front of him and fell back.

Marceline: Hey! You alright?

Doc: *Grumble Grumble* Sorry.....I've been runnin on empty for a while now. Plus I gave you both the only food I had.

Y/N: How long have you been trapped?

Doc: I'd say about 3 days....though I was underground so my perception on time might no be the best.

Marceline: Well....Y/N's house is closer.

Y/N: Right...let me just leave a note in case someone comes looking for us.

After scribbling a note in the dirt we made our way back home.

Doc: Before we leave....

Doc runs over to a tree and snaps off a branch and hands it to me.

Doc: It isn't a proper crutch, but gotta make do with what you got right?

Y/N: R-right...

Marceline: Let's get going already.

Doc: Right!

Doc walks a few inches in front of us before stopping.

Doc: ..........Which way is it again?

Marceline and I shook our heads as I lead the way. Doc walked besides Marceline.

Doc: You really don't remember me?

Marceline: *Ugh* Again with this?

Doc: Whoa...okay I'm.....sorry I said anything...

Marceline: *Sigh*'s just...I feel like I should know you, but I'm comin up with blanks.

Doc: Its alright. Least your here with a friend right? What's his face over there.

Marceline: Were not friends.

Doc: Oh...well...why not?

Marceline: Its complicated.

Y/N: Were almost there!

I yelled pretending not to have heard them. As I figured this little misadventure did little to help patch things up. I shouldn't worry about least not now.

Adventure Time: Complications (3)Where stories live. Discover now