Chapter 24

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Jasper P.O.V

I practically had steam coming from my ears.

"Get the hell out!!! I can't believe I almost called called you dad!!!! I knew I couldn't trust you!!!" I yelled shoving my finger at Gabe's face. My mom pulled me back by my shirt.

"Jasper let me explain."

Explain my ass. They don't get to explain, if there is one thing I don't play about it's my father.

"You've got 2 minuets to give me a good reason before I call Noah and tell him everything, even though your going to tell him any way." Danny folded his arms.

"Well Gabriel came over too thank me for their gift and to talk." Mom started.

"Then she was crying and upset and I went in to comfort her and we sort of kissed. Like a spur of the moment kind of thing." Gabriel looked about ready to throw up in fear. "I would never EVER do anything to hurt my Noah things just got a little have to understand."

And the crazy thing was I did. Like when Daniel was upset I comforted him and he came on to me, very strongly. So who's to say mom didn't come on to him?

"I'm sorry boys. I just don't know what got into me-"

"Apparently Gabe's di-" my brother was cut off by a death glare from mom.

"I'm lonley.....Im a single mom. Sometimes it just happens. Please don't tell Noah this happened this is a one time thing. Just don't ruin there marriage because of me. I've caused him enough trouble in the past."She was on the verge of tears.

"It wasn't entirely her fault. I should've just left when I had the chance." he said.

Danny and I looked at eachother.

"Bro conference" we both called at the same time. Stepping into the hall.

"Dad will be crushed..." I said.

"I know, but it still doesn't make it right."

"I know, but you don't understand how heart broken he will be....after him and mom divorced he was always depressed as sad until Gabe came around." I started to I really want to do that to him again.

"Maybe we should let Gabe tell him himself so he can explain it and if he doesn't you will."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because your closer to him."



We both entered the room and they looked at us pleadingly.

"Fine. But. You, Gabe are going to be a man and tell him yourself or I will and that won't ended so smoothly." I looked at him with pure hatered. "I've lost the respect that I was just starting to develop for you and disgust me." I turned for the door.

"I've never respected you and disappointed." Dan and I both walked around the room together.


**At school***

"Where's your bae?" Sammy elbowed me in my side in English class.

"He's in art," I tried to pay attention to the teacher.

"Better watch out for Brock, I heard Jamie confronted him today about beating up on him and all. I made sure our baby boy didn't get hurt," he tapped his feet looking around nervously before whispering.

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