Chapter 32

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(Jasper POV)

Remember those plane tickets to the Caribbean I got for Christmas? It was for Jamie and I and dad and Gabriel double anniversary. Jamie was laying his head on my shoulder looking out the plane window tracing the outline of my abs through my fitted shirt. I was relaxed with my eyes closed.

"Jasper?" Jamie kissed my chin.


"When did you start working out?" He bit his lip.

"Right after the first day I met you....I realized I was gonna need some big muscles to protect my little twink." He laughed at my respond laying his head directly on my crotch.

"Wow you claimed me already?" He raised his eye brow.

"Yeah, I just didn't want Anyone to hurt you. You look do innocent and vulnerable." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm not innocent I'm sexy." he pouted.

"Your so cute when you pout." I pinched his cheek and that little prick bit me.

"Let's play a little game then" my boyfriend smiled cunningly.

"Nope nope noo" I already knew where this was going.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I sighed.

"Who was your first kiss?" Jamie was watching my face as it heated up in embarassment. He was damn near my first everything and first gay anything except for blow job, that was my brother.

"You" I said lowly.

"Are you serious? Your freaking saying you haven't kissed anyone before me?!" He squealed.

"Enjoy the moment." I looked behind us to see my dad and Gabe peering curiously at us and I mouthed the words 'help me.' And dad chuckled and snapped a picture of me.

"That's so cute....I feel honored." Jamie kissed my stomach.

"Truth or dare weirdo?"

"Dare" he said deceptively.

"I dare you to ask that woman does she have a extra tampon, because you ran out"

"Okay....that is a bitch dare," he squinted at me, "but...ill do it "

I pulled out my recording camera I got for Christmas and pressed rec.

"Excuse me miss. ummmm I was wondering if you have a extra tampon? It's that time of the month again."

"What the hell?" the woman laughed.

"Surely as beautiful as you are you have a man and understand what it's like to put up with him. It's like they're the ones bleeding from their mangina's. know what I'm saying?" Jamie's eyes rolled to me and the woman was lost in laughter and took a tampon out her purse and tossed it to me instead.

"Stop being a jerk to your boyfriend???" She looked towards the both of us and I nodded as confirmation. "You guys are so cute."

"Is that Jamie Sanders?" A little boy peeked around the corner.

"Mom...I follow him on instgram...he's my favorite dancer....can I sit with him and Jaspy." He wined. Jamie and I looked at eachother and I pointed the camera in the little boy's direction.

"Sure he can" Jamie smiled and the little boy unbuckled and hurriedly sat in between Jamie and I.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Carson and I'm 13 and I dance. Im a super fan of Jamie and Jasper. I write J&J smut and I'm gay." he winked into the camera.

"Carson!" His mom hushed him.

I chuckled. He was so cute. He writes J&J smut? What's smut ?

"Well it's your lucky day Carson. I didn't know I had fans," Jamie hugged him and he pretended to faint.

"I want a hug from Jaspy too" he jumped on my lap and Jamie took the camera.

"This is our son Carson beautiful camera."

The next couple of minuets Jamie, Carson, and I took pictures. And we adopted him as our own. I think he had a little crush on Jamie. They both were asleep and cuddling.


We arrived at the air port and said goodbye to Carson. They were going to be some where in the Carribean too, and his mom has my number invade we want to babysitt. She's a single mother and she's here on a businesses trip meaning most of the time Carson will be locked in the hotel room while she works, and she was hoping that if we go to a water park or somewhere he could tag around and explore with us. The drive to the hotel wasn't as long as we expected. My dad decided to room as far away from us as possible so we were 5 floors above them. That's one thing I like about my dad, we both like our privacy. I collapsed on the bed dropping my suit case and Jamie doing the exact same.

"Ughhhh I'm soooo tired." I groaned.

"Same." he breathed out, rolling over to me and I put my arm around his waist. We both closed our eyes and drifted off.


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