**Chapter 6**

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>>>>Friday Night>>>>

(Jasper P.O.V)

My mom was out with her "friend" and Danny was still at the game. It was 7:00 and I was waiting on Jasper to arrive. I had already brought some snacks down to my room. I felt my eyes becoming heavy and mind drifting off slowly.


Two hours had passed before the door bell rang waking me up. looking out the peep hole carefully I seen nothing but a variety of brown and colors.

"Open the door Jas" a familiar voice chinned. As I opened the door Jamie skipped in with a bag.

"I thought you stood me up, It's 9:30!" I practically shouted at him.

"I was trying to look through the peep hole, haha." He walked around a bit.

"Nice place, where do I put my stuff?" He smiled his breath taking smile, the one that makes my heart flutter. No, my heart doesn't flutter...it can't over him.

"Second room down the hall to the right ." I followed him to my room and he sat in the recliner.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"How are you gonna invite me over and not have any plan for us?" He laughed.

"Want to play Wrestling 2K14then?" I said sitting next to him.


"We'll you have to hook the game up because I don't feel like it, I just woke up." I yawned laying back.

"I don't know how to hook up a playstation...." he look a slightly bit embarrased. But I don't care because he was the late one.

"Try." I simply stated he got up and bended over trying to figure which plugs go wear. The cotton fabric of his tight like shorts hugged his bum nicely. I found my self licking my lips and staring.

Jasper this isn't like you at all. I thought to myself. He bent over even more but this time on his knees and I sat up. Fuck.

"Jasper!!!! I can't put it in!!" he wined bouncing up and down his grey hood bobbing with him.

"Make it." I commanded. I've never felt this way before, these feelings were uncomprehendable.

"Fine." he plopped down and folded his arms. "Forget your stupid little game." he dug in his book-sack and pulled out a bottle.

"Ima Hook it up geez, What are you drinking?"

"Strawberry Daiquiri."

"Dude is that like alcohol?!"

"Yes and?" He took a large gulp and dat the bottle down. "Want some?"

"Are you insane!!!! How old are you like 16? You can't be drinking!!! What would your mom think!!!!" I was more than overreacting. If it was one thing my parents were strict about it was the use of drugs and alcohol in both house holds.

"Chill out. It's just a drink Jas"

"No it's not!!!" I snatched the bottle out of this and he tried to get in back from me causing all the continents to spill out of his sack about 4 more bottles rolled out with a pack of opened cigarettes and some clothes. I couldn't believe my eyes I sat the bottle on my dresser.

"Jamie....this is bad. This is really really bad." he hurriedly put the contents back in his booksack.

"Jas.....I- you don't understand, it's not an addiction"

"Then what is it? You have so much going for you and your just going to throw it all away?!" I grabbed the sack away from him and went to the bathroom and took out all the bottles.

"Wait-no!!!!" He yelled as I poor the liquids into the toilet one by one and then emptied the carton of cigarets in too. He dropped down to the grown.

"Jasper your a dancer, you should know better than smoking anyway!!!! I'm doing you a favor, your family, and especially your mom-"

"Fuck off!!! I can't believe I thought you were cool!!" He yelled.



"I'm sorry....." I whispered trying to calm him down.

"I don't smoke." he said quietly taking off of his jacket. The same marks I seen the other day was only a glimpse. This was far worse. This had to be at least 2nd degree burns I was seening. I could feel tears coming to the brim of my eyes.

"Jamie, you need help..." I walked closer to him and he just walked back.

"Why are you crying?" he mumbled, "I deserve this...."

"No you dont!" I wouldn't have even guessed it would be this bad. No one could have. He was still shaking.

"I shouldn't have ever came here, it was stupid of me." A light year drizzled down his soft, child like, cheek as he closed his eyes.

"No Jamie. I'm glad you came. You need a friend than I'm here for you, you need a brother then i'm more than happy to be whatever you need me to be." I hugged him tightly, I could feel him trembling in my arms.

"J-Jasper I-I don't know what to say" he broke down in tears and buried his head in my shoulder. "I-I never h-had s-some to tell m-me that b-before. I sorry, this is so em-embarrassing," Jamie sobbed grabbing his booksack heading for the door but I wasn't letting him leave. I pulled him down and sat him on the bed.

"Look, your a great kid and you shouldn't bottle up your feelings. It's really bad for your mental health. I'm not good at giving advice, but your always welcome to come to me if your having problems." I can't turn my back on him now, not ever he needs me. He nodded and layed his head on my shoulder. He looked so tired and exhausted.

Hold him and just go to sleep with him, a lot ofstuff like that can take a lot out of you. Something clicked in the back of my head, but I decided that I would put together the pieces of his story another day and start to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. I laid him down in my bed and laid down to with him close in my arms.

"Thank you." he whispers as he put his arm around me and closes his eyes.


Welp. There is chapter 6, read comment, vote and follow me laya_mhe!!!!

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