Christmas Morning
I'm so ready to get back with the rest of the family. I don't like being alone with Daniel and Aaron. We've been going from store to store trying to find Aaron something to get his "friend" girl. Their mom sent me with them to make sure they didn't cross the country line.
"Why don't you get her something symbolic that says you listen..like if her favorite color is blue get her a blue rose or necklace or something." I suggested they both looked at eachother and started laughing.
"Why don't I get her a pair of those skinny jeans, maybe you and her are the same size." Aaron laughed punching me in the shoulder.
"Must everything you say sound so gay?" Daniel chuckled and Aaron did too.
"Well Jay....that actually isn't a bad idea....thinking like a girl...smart" he winked, heading into the Jewelry department. I took off my jacket and sat on the bench.
"Dude gross, what the hell is on your arms?" Danny pointed and everyone in the store looked at me. I forgot to put the foundation on body.....My face was red in embarrasment. I quickly pulled my jacker on looking down.
"Has Jas seen that?" he asked disgusted. I nodded.
"That's repulsive....."he looked around, be fore whispering "how could he even stand to look at you let alone kiss you. Your so ugly."
If it was anything I was more sensitive about than my family it was the burns. I hated them...but I was the one causing them.
"I'm ugly you say? I see your finally living up to your hair color. Your the kind of reason why girls turn lesbian. Probably why Nicole dumped your sorry ass." I smirked. And sensitivity activates my defensive line.
" You think your so funny huh?" He pushed me. "See I would punch you in you pathetic whimpy little face but I don't want my fist to get aids"
"Jamie has aids?" Aaron walked back up to the cash register with a ring box.
"Yeah, Danny gave them to me." I walking out the store. Sitting on the hood of the car. Shortly they came outside.
"What did you say?" Danny inched towards me.
"You gave me aids....I always new something wasn't right about your vagina." I held my nose fanning my hand infront of my nose. Aaron bursted out laughing.
"He got you good bro" Aaron high fived me.
"You little bitch" All of a sudden Daniel punched me in the face causing me to fall off the car and something sharp to graze the side of my head. I screamed out in pain.
"Fight back!!!" He punched me I'm the eye, and tried my best to get a hit off of him. "Jasper isn't here to save you now" he punched me again. I kneed him in the balls and kicked him in the stomach to get him off of me and he fell and hit his head on the car.
"Guys that's enough!!!" Aaron yelled trying to help me up but Daniel pulled him away from me and kicked me in the stomach.
"He needs to learn."
"Learn what how to be an ass hole?!" I spat trying to make it to my feet I tried to open the car door but he twisted my arm all the way behind my back and slammed my head on the car. Aaron pulled him away again but this time he slapped him in the face.
"Get a grip he's just a kid dumbass...you trying to kill him?!"
I felt my head, and that's when the pain started. It was gushing. I felt like I was about to throw up. I hate large amounts of blood....

Broken Home, Broken Hearts
أدب المراهقينHe forcefully pushed me against the wall pressing his lips on mines. I refused to kiss pack until he bit down on my lip....hard. It felt wierd...but I liked it....a little. His tongue battled with mine over dominance usually I won....but not in this...