Jasper left for work this morning before I woke up. I wanted to bad for him to stay. I talked to my dad and he isn't too happy about Jasper and I getting back togther. I took a hot shower and put on Jasper's robe that was hanging up. It smelled just like him and it was warm and fuzzy. I walked into the living room to see Danny sitting on the couch. I got a bad feeling.
"W-who let you in here?" I stumbled back a little and he got up.
"I've been thinking....about how loyal my brother is to you and how you let your little boyfriend set us up. "
"I swear I had nothing to do with that. " I backed up righting the robe.
"You two made up this elaborate story that I raped him....made me look like the perp. Rape? You don't know what rape is? RAPE IS WHAT THOSE SICK SON OF A BITCHES DID TO ME!!!!" He yelled in my face getting closer to me.
"I'm sorry but I don't have anything to do with that!!! Please please don't hurt me!" I begged, and he laughed yanking the robe open and he squeezed my package.
"Does that hurt motherfucker?!!" He pushed me down and I curled up in a ball.
"I hate you, all I want is my brother and you keep taking him from me. Everyone." he pulled something shiny out of his back pockett.
"Noooo no. Don't-" he pointed the gun at me and fired. My heart stopped. I thought I was actually dead for a minuet. He missed on purpose. To show me that he wasn't playing around.
"You don't get it that easily. I want you to suffer.....to hurt just like I did.....like I am right now." he hit me in the face with the butt of the gun.
"Daniel I'm sor-"
"I DONT WANT YOUR APOLOGIES!!!! I want to make you hurt. You have anxiety problems, your family is dead, your father abuses you boo fucking hoo. you should've just minded your own business Sanders. Jasper only feels sorry for you.....i know my brother. He feels like because all that happened to you he's inclined to be a slave to you. He doesn't love you he pities you."
"That's where your wrong! Jasper-"
I was cut off by a slap to the face.
"You don't even get to say his name." he spat on me rage in his eyes. "As a matter of fact take his robe off" he growled at me. I shook my head no. I wasn't about to let him see me exposed.
"I will fucking kill you...."he said calmly then yelled "TAKE IT OFF!!!" I stood up and dropped the robe.
"Look at you. All those fucking hedious burns. How can you stand to look at yourself!!!?" He pushed me on the couch and landed a harsh smack on my arse. I cried out.
"They humiliated me, they forced me to have sex with random people they whipped me!!!!" He took his belt off and squatted me. I felt the belt crack against me naked body. I screamed and cried for the help that I was never going to retrieve.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Danny punched me in the mouth and my lip gashed.
"It's not my fault!!!" I tried to protect myself but he kept hitting me getting on top of me. "I hate you" tears streamed down his face. He slammed me redundantly harder and harder to the floor. The angry brother stomped me to the ground calling me anything to make me feel less of a man than he was. I'm tired of getting treated like I don't matter, getting pushed aside, I rather just die and save me and my baby the pain. I tried my best to stand tall throwing a few punches hitting him.I could tell I was bashed up pretty bad I mean he really did a number on me. If he found out about the baby...it could've been worse. He got me in the gut.
"Jasper was right as long as your here he's never going to leave your side. So I guess it's time for you to leave" he pointed the gun to my heart and I hung my head.
God please forgive him for he knows not what he is doing. Soon enough I will be called home with my baby sister and my mother. Ive kept them waiting long enough.
I prayed silently. Out the corner of my eye I seen the door handle turn silently and the door opened

Broken Home, Broken Hearts
Novela JuvenilHe forcefully pushed me against the wall pressing his lips on mines. I refused to kiss pack until he bit down on my lip....hard. It felt wierd...but I liked it....a little. His tongue battled with mine over dominance usually I won....but not in this...