Chapter 8•Continued

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{Jasper P.O.V}

"Pick him up and put him in his bed." she demanded and she took some pills out of her robe pocket and sat it on his night stand. I followed her out the room into the living room.

"What did you do to him?" I asked quietly.

"I sedated him, he's on suicide watch. He didn't take his medicine today. He isnt even my child, but I get worried about him from time to time. " she looked at me.

"I didn't know he's suicidal, is he going to be okay?! I need-"

"He's okay, he usually stays asleep for the next 3 hours. Then wakes up to take his pills. Are you his...." The red hair women waited for me to admit it, but I couldn't quite get the word out.

"Yeah, his friend. What's the pills for?"

"He has anxiety problems, and he suffers from some kind of bipolar depression" She shook her head, "I don't think he wanted you to know.....please don't tell him you know or I told you."

"I won't"

The next couple of hours I spent by his side. I wanted to make sure he took his medicine. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

{Phone Convo}


"Jasper? This is me, dad"

"Hey dad I missed you. Where are you calling from?"

"From a pay phone in Cali, I want you and your brother to meet me at Fritto Misto at seven tonight and dress nicely."

"Wait, why?"

"There is someone I want you guys to meet. Someone you already know. We've flew all the way out here and got a hotel just so everyone can be aquainted."

"What's his name?"


"Gabriel your businesses partner?!! That same partner that comes to our house to watch the game on Sundays?!!!!!! Your having an affair with your employe!!! I won't allow it!!!"

"I'm the parent Jasper. And it's not an affair, if you just come to dinner tonight, I promise I can explain."

" never told me. All those times you went on those trips is was to stay with him wasn't it ?"


"Answer me."


"O my god, I don't believe-"

"Baby, I have a head ache....." I felt Jamie's arms wrap around my waist from behind. I hung the phone up and gave him a hug.

"Reba said take those pills."

"I did when you were arguing on the phone with you dad. By the way you broke my beauty sleep." he slapped my arm.

"I'm sorry." I kissed his forehead, he pulled the back neck to bring us closer. I moved his hand.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask.

"I remember being on your lap and you kissing me."

"You had an episode, after that....Reba sedated you, I watched you sleep for 4 hours well I went to sleep myself in between." It was very silent before he broke the silence by looking into my eyes and gave a weak smile.

"Jasper....I have problems. Problems Im not ready to talk about. but thanks for sticking by me by all means."

"Your welcome."

"So I heard you on the phone with your dad."

"It's nothing. But I've met his lover and didn't even notice."

"Hey, like I said don't act so angry about it. He's taking his time to tell you."

"I know, I just Wish he would have told me sooner. Does your dad know about you, I mean being gay and all?"

"Yes, he hates me and still does. How about yours? Or are you not ready to admit it after trying to sex me?" Jamie raised his eye brow, which I found adorable. He did have a point.

"Im not ready to tell anyone."

"So you are?"

"I guess so, since I find you so damn attractive." I pulled him into a bear hug and he squirmed. I liked having him close, close enough so no one would hurt him.

"I like you too." he kissed my nose and opted for me to put him down, but instead I kissed cheeks playfully multiple times as he giggled. There was a knock on the door then it burst open.

"Hi dad.....I didn't know you'd be home so early." I quickly let Jamie down and he got infront of me, almost as if he were protecting me.

"Why did you bring that scumb bag here haven't you learned your lesson?!" his dad pushed him on to the ground.

"Oh is this your new lover boy?!" I scowled at him and got down besides him.

"Jasper, you need to get away from here." He whispered as I helped him up.

"Im not leaving you with him."

"To hell you are, that is my son!!! This is my house!!!! I have the mind to call the police." Jamie's father laughed in my face a snatched him away from me.

"Get out!!!" He yelled opening the door all the way and Reba came in and grabbed me softly by the arm.

"Come on baby, you really don't want to be here." I stood my ground and Jamie gave me a pleading look. I let Reba escort me out. When she slammed the door I heard a series of shouts and crashing nosies. I hope I did the right thing. I walked away heading home with a pang of guilt. If I never went to his house this would have never happened. What kind of friend am I?


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