Chapter 13

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(Jasper P.O.V)

"Danny, stop it!!!! Leave me alone!! Please." I watched the tears stream down my boyfriends face as he cried out. I laughed, I was enjoying this.

"Lick it!!" Danny yelled at him.

"Nooo, Jaspy make him stop. How can you just watch him do this to me????!" He cried even more.

Earlier today Jamie had pulled a prank on Danny by putting syrup in his shampoo so this was his way of getting him back. Jamie was on top of our refrigerator while Danny was standing on the counter trying to put a frog on him. Jay is terrified of frogs, he hates them with a strong passion. The only reason I'm letting my brother torment him is because Danny and I happen to share shampoo today, let's just say it did add a little flavor to my hair.

"Just let it hop on him." I said turning the tv up louder to drown out the crying.

"Turn down that tv, and get that frog out of my house!!!" Mom yelled opening her room door. She helped Jamie off of the ice box and pulled him in to a hug.

"They were bullying me mom"

"Don't worry I'm here," she pulled him into a hug and he stuck his tongue out at us.

"But mom!!!" Me and Danny yelled at the same time.

"Shhh, this has gone far enough. Jamie is a guest and he deserves better," she wiped the tears off of his face."and deserves a new hair do as well"


The next thing I new Jamie was covered from head to toes in flour.
Danny and I were rolling around laughing on the floor.

"NOT FAIR!!!!" He screamed stomping his foot.

"Look at my hair, and you say it's not fair." my mom pulled the towel off of her head and revealed a sticky mess.

"Why must your whole family share one shampoo bottle ?!" Jamie stomped his way into my room and I ran after him closing the door.

"You asked for it baby boy." I put my arms around him from behind and he pushed me on the bed.

"Don't call me that. you let your brother attempt to kill me and then laughed when you mother slammed a pack of flour over my head. I don't even have a change of clothes."

"A frog can't kill you, you're not even allergic besides You can wear my clothes,"

"I'm not talking to you anymore." he looked in my drawer grabbing a long sleeve shirt with some shorts and briefs. It's 75 degrees outside why would he need a long sleeve shirt. I heard the shower water running and his phone buzzed. Hmm let's see who that is. I reached over grabbing his phone. Roberto? Who the hell is this? Just as I was about to open the text I the knock on my door sent my heart rate through the roof. My brother peeked his head through the door

"Me and Sam were going party tonight you and Jame down?"

"Mmmm he's not talking to me, but knowing him if he gets to shake his ass in skin tight jeans then he's in." We both laughed and Jamie stuck his hand out the bathroom door giving me the finger.

We laughed.

"Were going."

"Okay starts at 7"

Danny closed the door and Jasper skipped out of the bathroom and picked up his phone and dialed a number laying on my bed.

"Hey, boo.....nooo.....ewwwww, I have a boyfriend." Jamie blushed talking on the phone. Yeah, this isn't sitting well with me.

"Jamie who are you talking to?" I said softly sitting by him, he just got up and rolled his eyes at me. He was really amgry. Wow.

"Jamie I'm sooo sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?" I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck. I felt his body shiver.

"I'm gonna call you later." he hung up the phone.

"You can start by not doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Trying to seduce me," he said pulling away from me. "I'm going to the party with Carmen."

"Okay, I'm going to remember this the next time your dresser fall and crushes you again. I'm pretty sure she'll be able to help you....she does have the man arms to it anyway." I laughed joking. Carmen is the picture perfect example of a women, she's sweet, sassy, intelligent, confident, and Jamie's bestfriend.

"She can kill you and find away to get away with it." He said giving me warning look. I shrugged it off.

After a while of just laying around the house with Jamie, Carmen came and picked him up with Leah(her sister), Sasha, and Toby. Toby was the new boy at our school. He and I are pretty good friends....the first time he met me was when he caught me and Jamie kissing in the shower room. And he's the whole reason that everyone found out about us. A couple of minuets after they left Danny, Samuel, and I headed out.


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