Jasper P.O.V
Home sweet home. I thought to myself as I plopped down on the couch. My dad wanted me to spend sometime with my mother.
"Jasper!!!" Daniel jumped in my lap and hugged me tightly.
"Awww look at you. Its just like when Danny was 6 and went on that Boy Scout trip and you cried that whole weekend. When he came back you jumped right in his arms." Mom smiled at us. I hugged him tightly and stood up while cradling him like a baby.
" I missed you so much" I told him. It was true I missed my brother. I threw him on the couch and I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a soda.
"Boys I'm going to make groceries I'll be right back" she grabbed her keys out the bowl and left.
"So.....you really missed me" he looked at me wide eyed.
"Yes dude"
He placed a kiss on my lips and I kissed him back.
"I missed you too" he mumbled against my lips. It felt good to be back. there was a knocking at the door. Maybe mum forgot something. Be right back.
I opened the door and three police men where at the door."Daniel Dangerfield?" One of the men asked.
"He's inside...." I opened the door and they came in.
"What's this about?" I asked.
"Daniel we have a warrant for your arrest...." they read him his Miranda rights as they hand cuffed him.
"Jasper?!!! Jasper what's going on!!! Don't let them take me!!!" He yelled as they put him in the car.
"What are you doing with my brother? You can't just-"
"Sir we have a warrant for his arrest, we're just doing our job." They drove off with my brother handcuffed in the back seat.
I called mom and dad and told them to meet me down at the station.
"This is absurd!!! What is my son being investigated for?!" My mother slammed her hand on the counter.
"For statutory rape, drug abuse, and promoting an incestual realtionship." they told her and she gasped.
"My brother didn't rape anybody!!!" I told him.
"Your son is a victim of rape" the officer tried to explain.
"What?!" My mom said.
"We received a tip that sexual activities were taking place in your house hold between your sons and a video of him molesting and forcing your other son to smoke has been passed around to entire neighborhood and to the student body at their school."
My heart stopped. I could really die right now. I just want the world to open up and swallow me whole.
"What the hell?!" My father and mother said looking at me.
"I have no idea what they are talking about." I said shakily.
"We need to talk to Jasper....with your permission of course just to straighten things out."
"I'm coming with him" my dad said.
"Ofcourse sir right this way." they ushered us to this child like room.
I heard them talking to our mother about her going in with Daniel. I sat down and my father looked at me."Are you having sex with your brother?" He looked hurt.
"Dad...it isn't like that"
"Sir....the video" the officer turned the iPad around and it was Daniel and me.....me and my brother. It showed everything. Well from the first time anyway. Him forcing me to smoke that blunt with him and me begging him not to do it. But I liked it....kind of but on that video it certainly looks bad.
"CUT IT OFF!!!" My father yelled furiously.
"Dad..." I wined. "I know it looks bad but-"
"Looks bad!? LOOKS BAD!?! Why didn't you tell me? Did he threaten you?"
"No, no no" I shook my head and bit my lip.
"Jasper.....have you and you brother always been close?" The counselor Mr.Wong cut in.
"Has he ever touched you before....this?" He asked writing something down.
"I'm not telling you dog shit" I spat.
"Jasper answer the damn question" dad said trying to keep calm,
"So they can lock him up!! " I protested.
"Jasper he's not going to prision....but we do need to resolve this issue." Mr.Wong said. "if you just tell us so we can get you guys the help you need, he won't go to jail and this all can be over."
I thought long and hard before I could give them an answer. I remember when we were little we used to kiss each other on the lips.....but we were like babies. We also took baths together. I do remember way back when we were 13 he crawled into my bed and he started rubbing himself on me.
I told Mr.Wong....I told him everything. I couldn't let my brother take the fall I was a part of this just as much as he was. If I didn't he'd go to jail. We left out the room and my mother was crying in my fathers arms."I'm soooo sorry Noah. I didn't know he'd turn out like this. I thought I raise him perfectly. Our son is sick" she cried. Daniel tried to walk towards them.
"Mom....Im sorry."
"You sick pervert!!!! Why would you do those things to your brother?!"
"Mom we love each other you don't understand!"
"You burn in hell!!! Its bad enough he's a fag.....and now all of a sudden you are too?!" She slapped him. I felt the slap too.....from her words. My eyes started to water. "I RAISED YOU BETTER!!!!" She kept hitting him and my dad had to
pull her off of him."Danny!" I tried to run toward him and they held me back.
"Your not allowed to see your brother amymore" Mr.Wong said.
"His mother is sending him to a anti-homosexual incest camp."
"Dad you can't let them take him!!!!!" I screamed.
"It was jail or the camp.....its for the best."
"Jasper I love you" tears streamed down his face as he tried to make it to me but they kept holding him back.
"I love you too bro"
They shoved him out of the room. At that moment a piece if me was gone.....forever.

Broken Home, Broken Hearts
Teen FictionHe forcefully pushed me against the wall pressing his lips on mines. I refused to kiss pack until he bit down on my lip....hard. It felt wierd...but I liked it....a little. His tongue battled with mine over dominance usually I won....but not in this...