Chapter 7

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I woke up panicked looking all around; the last thing I remembered was him holding me. I liked the feeling of being cared for, the feel of his hands around my body. It was a feel that I wasn't sure I was capable of ever feeling ever since I ran Alex away. Then my stomach churned at the memory of me showing Jasper my burns, him seeing me shattered. My hands started shaking no......I've messed up again, that's why he's gone.....again. I need my medicine, I think I'm about to go crazy. Curling up into a ball, I rocked myself back and forward. I could feel my anxiety starting to cloud my mind and my body heating. What have I done? I wanted to scream out....I needed to feel this void. I need to get to my lighter and cigarettes....wait didn't Jasper throw them out? I tugged at my hair as if I were going to pull it out. My heart pounded and pounded.

"James, you okay buddy?" I looked up to see Jasper at my side his hair dripping wet, a towel covering his waist as steam arose from his body.

"Im fine, where'd you go?" I smiled. Smiling helps. Some of my grief went away but I remained in my ball still rocking.

"I was just taking a shower, and I heard you scream."

"I screamed?"

"Yeah, I came out as fast as I could. I even slipped and got this ugly bruise!!!" He showed me a barley noticeable pinkish mark on his arm. I chuckled and remembered when he kissed my cheek. I kissed the mark.

"Woah there buddy you have to buy me dinner first."

"Why can't you buy me dinner your the one with the rich family?"

"Whatever, your welcome to take a shower if you want....I'll be back in a minuet Danny wants me to ride with him to get Nicole and Rachel." he went back in the bathroom changing.

"Why are you guys getting them?"

"To hang out remember?"

" it's gonna be like a group thing?"

"Well yeah....Nicole, Dan, Rachel, you, and me. They live a couple of blocks away just sit tight." he dried his hair and threw on a snap back.


After my shower I dried off and carefully put an even tone of foundation on my arms to cover my hideous burns. I put on my polka dotted jean jacket, white t-shirt, and my white skinny jeans.


I waited and waited outside sitting on a comfy porch chair of the Dangerfield's home. Troye Sivan's Happy Little pill blared through my head phones on full blast. It had been an hour. How many blocks away did they say they were?

I looked at my phone.....yeah I don't even have his number. Don't overreact it was probably an emergency Jamie. Just stay calm and listen to the music.

The last thing you need is a freak panic attack over some stupid pretty boy.

"Jamie!!" I felt a strong arm pull me up and I smiled.

"What took you so long?"

"I kind of forgot.....and then the girls wanted to get some food....."

My stomach growled at the thought of food it was 10:00 almost I hadn't ate anything.

"I'm kind of hungry too." I got up and walked to the car with him.

"We already ate, but I'll ask Daniel to stop somewhere"

When he said he forgot, he forgot about me entirely!!!!! I'd kill him if he wasn't so....ughhhh.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Daniel scowled at Jasper and then turned to me.

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