**Chapter 2**

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(Jasper P.O.V)

I woke up scared to death in a bed that didn't belong to me. Oh yeah, I was at my mom's house. Dragging myself out if bed I got ready for school, making sure to put on my glasses eat breakfast.

"Let me see you boys." Mom said cheesing down.

"Mom we have to leave!!!" Danny tried to get past her but she just stood her ground. She pulled me up by him and pulled a camera out of her robe pocket and snapped it. I grabbed two pieces of toast and me and Danny raced to his silver Volvo. I didn't even have a car back home. When we got to school Daniel immediately left me for a group of jocks. I felt alone already and just started walking off into the direction of my home room.

I managed to survive half of the day and now it was lunch time. I seen Danny at the lunch table in the center of the room. I decided to walk over to him and the next thing I was laying on the floor with mash potatoes and milk smushed on my shirt.
"Watch we're your going loser." said a huge guy towering over me as the cafeteria filled with laughter. I could feel my face fluster red. I got up and leveled to him.

"What you meant to say was excuse you." I said as sternly as I could.

"Oh really, everyone Check this out!!! This guy...." he paused for a minuet.
"Jasper" I said.

"Okay 'Jasper' here thinks that Brock Willis says 'excuse me'. You must be new here I'm sorry for the disrespect." he bowed.

"Whatever..." I turned my back and felt a hand tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me!" Brock's voice said. I spun around.

"Jasper watch out!!!" A small boy jumped in front of me and I watched as he held his face in Pain.

"This fag....." Brock huffed motioning towards the black haired boy who took a hit for me.

"Brock get your ass over here!" I heard another voice growl at him and I looked past him to see my brother who made no eye contact with me and they all walked off. I crouched down besides the hurting boy.

"Are you okay?" I moved his hand to examine the damage. His face was swollen....he needed ice for that.

"Does it look like I'm okay pretty boy?" he snapped getting up and slipping on some of my lunch remains. I caught him before he got the ground.

"I'll help you to the nurses office." I put his arm around my shoulder and he didn't object. There were whispers and some people even whistled at us, but we ignored it and trudged forward.

"Do you even know where the clinic is?" he giggled. Yes giggled.

"Nope. Did you know you didn't have to take that punch for me?" I stopped at a near by bench and sat him down.

"You don't know Brock.....he would kill you!!! Your new here and....I didn't want him to hurt you." He blushed.

"Hurt me? I've taken Karate plus 3 self defense classes over a course of years, I think I could've survived a punch to the face. I didn't catch your name did I?" I chimed examining the expressions on his face. He seems embarrassed.

"It's Jamie. Jamie Sanders." Jamie looked up at me, with a slightly redder cheeks than before.

"Jamie, my name is Jasper. Jasper Dangerfield." I tried to make my voice as deep as possible earning a laugh out of the younger boy followed by an ouch. I totally forgot he got punched. That was the reason we're in this situation.

"I'm sorry I forgot about your ice. We probably should go and find the clinic forreal.....it looks like it's swelling."
"I'll be fine, wouldn't be the first time.....I was scheduled for a beating anyway. You could make it better with a kiss......" he grinned cunningly. I kissed his cheek lightly. This kid is funny, I like him.

"We'll okay Jamie, I'll see you around." I patted his back and walked off. I could feel his eyes following me as I walked away.

"Bye Jasper!" He yelled.
I sat in my last two class periods full of boredom as soon as the bell rung I made my way to the football field.
I was disappointed in my brother how could a complete stranger take a hit for me and not him....I mean I could've handled it but still.
Oooooh Jamie!!! Wonder how this is gonna turn out. until next time !!!!

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