{Jasper P.O.V}
I haven't seen Jamie every since the mall incident. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have never gotten so jealous of that guy, and Jamie was right I wasn't gay. I at least I don't think I am. His dad, on the other hand looked horrible, but of course I'll never tell him that. My mom did lecture me about the food fight but nothing too serious.
"Jasper, I'm staying late for practice. Are you going to ride the bus?" Daniel called from a far.
"I'm walking!" I called out to him.
I started down a path, maybe I should call Jamie. I don't think he would answer. I seen him walking down this street the one day as the bus passed. I walked down the eerie street until I seen a elderly dark skinned woman sitting on a porch.
"Who you be looking for baby?" She waved.
"A Jamie Sanders."
"Oh, thats' my boy, he's a nice young man. He is that little green house on the end. He isn't in any trouble is he?"
"No ma'am just a friend of his."
"How'd you know?"
"He never stops running his mouth off about you. I don't want to hold ya too long, go on ahead child."
"Yes ma'am, miss....."
"Just call me momo Drea" she smiled.
"Thanks momo Drea"
I walked down to the green house. It looked pretty decent. Homey you could even call it minus the beer cans and cigarette buds covering the yard. As I rung the door bell my stomach bubbled, what if he actually answers? Would I be considered a stalker? No, I simply asked for him.
"Well hello, handsome." a woman with bright red hair answered in a silk robe covering less than half of her cleavage. All I could think was are those balloons real?
"Umm, Jamie."
"He's down the hall, to the left. I'm Reba by the way." she gave me this seductive look before opening the door to let me in. The house reeked of liquor smoke. I went to what I assumed was Jamie's room and knocked.
"Reba I told you can't turn-Jasper?" he looked shocked. "w-what are you doing here?"
"I haven't seen you four days, I was beginning to think to that you were avoiding me."
"No I just...I'm not feeling well, you better come in before Reba tries to rape you though." He was covering his face and stepped back so I could come in before slamming the door shut.
"I'll be right back, have a seat." he went into the bathroom. I sat on the bed. His room smelled of cinnamon and various sweet aromas. His room was a lime green bright color, you can tell everything on the wall was hand painted. I ran my fingers along the bright yellow bed spread. This was one heck of a vibrant room. What on earth was taking him so long? Woah, are all of these trophies for him!?! I'm talking whole a wall full of trophies starting from little league baseball, football, gymnastics, track, swimming, ice skating, cheer, academics, and of course dance. But one trophy stood out, it was the biggest and most elegant one. I walked over running my fingers over the plaque. On the top of it was a male dancer holding up another. How unique. "Alexander and Jamie intercontinental champ-"
"Please stop." he pulled me back.
"Look at all these trophies dude!!!!"
"I know, I waisted my life achieving them."
"That's no waist, I only have one trophy and that's from my 2nd grade spelling bee, and I didn't even win, that was just for participation!" I felt under achieved now.
"It's okay your a winner in my book."
"Whatever, wait what happened to your nose?" I took his chin gently in my hands and tilted it up slightly. His nose was crooked looking.
"I fell" he looked down. I could tell he was lying. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down by me.
"Jamie, you can tell me anything." I grabbed his face in my hands, my heart rate just increased about twenty times. I looked into his eyes and gently pressed his lips to mines. I could hear his heart beating like a bass drum. He kissed back putting his arms around my neck, which was overwhelming. This wasn't what I expected my first kiss to be like, or for the fact that it was with a boy. I wrapped my around his waist and pulled him on top of me so when he sat on my lap he faced me.
"Tell me." I demanded. He was still flustered in shock.
"I, told you." Jamie avoided my gaze. I moved my hand down his back and squeezed his bum. It was so round and plump. He light out a small moan.
"Your lying, but your going to tell me whether you want to or not." I kissed his neck and trailed up to his cheek, to the counter of his mouth. He tried to kiss me but I moved. He frowned twirling his hands in my hair.
"Don't be mad. please don't say anything, you have to swear." He looked at me worriedly and buried his head in my neck and placed a small kiss on it.
"My dad punched me in the face, for getting in-trouble again."
My blood was boiling. How could you punch a kid like Jamie!? My father would never hit me, neither would my mum.
"Jamie, that's not right."
"I cost him his last job, I deserved it. I-I started having problems, captain said he was taking off too much time off. Then I started-" his skin was getting hot and he started breathing heavy. Almost dry heaving. "I should've just listened to him. I'm a mistake. And a man whore for thinking we could be something." he started crying and shaking.
"No, stop saying things like that Jamie!" I rocked him back a foward.
"I knew you were going to get mad." He yelled accidentally hitting me in the eye and I dropped him instinctly.
"Damn, Jame calm down." I rubbed my eye to make sure it was still there.
"I'm always hurting some one!!!!" he was about to pull something out a drawer but before he could the door opened and Reba jabbed him with a needle and he fell out.
Please read comment and vote next chapters coming soon. Love you all!!!!!

Broken Home, Broken Hearts
JugendliteraturHe forcefully pushed me against the wall pressing his lips on mines. I refused to kiss pack until he bit down on my lip....hard. It felt wierd...but I liked it....a little. His tongue battled with mine over dominance usually I won....but not in this...