{Jasper P.O.V}
>>>Saturday afternoon>>>
"Jasper I appreciate you trying you apologizing, but I don't want to be considered a home wrecker three years from now, when Noah realizes I'm the reason his son isn't happy."
"No, seriously.....im perfectly fine with you m-m...." I felt Jamie's hand squeeze my thigh gently under the table. "marrying my father." I looked over at him his eyes looking into mine and I quickly looked away. Our plan was set and all we had to do was convince Gabriel to follow us to Zuma beach to meet Danny and dad.
Gabriel took a sip of his coffee and eyed us.
"You two are pretty, close friends?"
"Yeah, he's my bestie." Jamie smiled poking at my face.
"How long ?" He looked directly at me as if he knew it all.
"Every since I came here"
"Mhmm, that's.....nice"
"Any way Gabriel would you do us a favor and drive us to Zuma beach.....we're throwing our friend a going away party."
"Where's Daniel?"
"We got into this fight and long story short he hates me right now"
"Oh and yeah let me help you pick out your outfit" Jamie squealed grabbing his hand and leading him into the bed part of his hotel room. I'm going to make sure that Dad and Gabe are happy together. I also have something planned for myself as well. I talked to my dad and told him.....about Jamie and the kissing.....and his dad and everything. I clutched on to the small box in my pockett.
"Jasper, say hello to your new and improved soon to be dad!!!"
Gabriel walked out of the room dressed in black slacks and a black swade suit with his hair sleeked back.
"I don't get why I have to look good if I'm just dropping you off."
"Because you looked like a piece of crap." I smiled and Jamie gave me a warning look before we all headed out the door an on our way.
As we got out of Gabriel's car we lead him down a path of white and red roses.
"Look kids, I don't think you should be going to this kind of party....." Gabriel said shakily. Jamie and I laughed leading him along the path.
"It's a grown up party." Jamie giggled, as we pulled him to a dock.
"Am I going to get raped and then throw in the ocean" He looked worriedly.
"Only by me" my dad stood at the end of the trail from the beach to the dock on a decorated Luxury yacht.
"That's gross on so many levels." Danny said dressed in an all white tux.
"On my god. Noah....boys.....what the hell?!" Gabriel hugged me and Jamie tightly then he ran down the dock and jumped into my fathers arms.
"You bought me a yacht!!!! Thank you baby!!!! I promise that I make-"
"I didn't buy you a yacht moron. I rented it, and it was all the boys idea in making up for the bad dinner and you running away from me." Dad kissed him lightly and pulled him into a hug whispering something in his ear to make him jump back quickly.
"Okay party's over, I'm leaving..." he tried to leave but Noah grabbed his arm.
"I was just kidding, amatus"
"Okay, but if you here a splash it's because an asshole pushed me over board" Gabe rolled his eyes and we all chuckled a bit.
"Shall we proceed Mr. and Mr. Dangerslinon-whatever your going to be called, I have a romantic evening planned for you two..." Danny held his hands out towards the boat that was lit by candle light and dad looked back at me winking.
"Aren't we going to help?" Jamie looked at me confusedly.
"I have something eles planned." I grabbed his hand and we walked until we approached a little cabin.
"Are we about to have sex? I call dibs on being the top!" He chimmed and I laughed.
"Your two short to top me, and I'm the man obviously." I flexed. The next thing I knew my feet was taken from under me.
"See I can be manly, I just choose not to be." he carried me in the front room of the cabin letting me down. Ether Jamie was putting off more than he was letting on or I was surprisingly light.
"This is really beautiful." he said still holding my hand. I decorated the cabin with multicolored petals everywhere, and mostly light green and yellow kind of like his room and there was a bunch of snacks bundled up on the table. I pulled us down on the rug by the table.
"You didn't have to do this." Looked around.
"I've never did anything like this, for anyone. I'm glad your the first." I tilted his head towards me and kissed him slowly before he could speak. Our lips danced together in sync then he gasp for air.
"Jasper-I want to say something."
"I don't get it, I don't get you. Why can't you just think I'm a loser like everyone eles."
"Because, every since I that day you found me crying in the carpool lane at school and smiled at me like a little creep, I knew you were special."
"You mean you knew I was gay." Jamie laughed opening a bag of chips snuggled. okay Jasper....just come out and say it. 1....2...Jamie will you be my..
"Jasper are you okay?"
"Boyfriend....you....please" I fumbled trying to reach the box of my pocket but it fell open. "fuck my life." I screamed burying my head in the couch cushions. Jamie was cracking up laughing and I felt my face heat up. I was so stupid in even thinking we could be official.
"Awww your so cute." he kissed my cheek and picked up the necklace. It was gold with our names engraved in it and a picture of me. He gasped.
"You forgot my picture, you turd. All jokes aside I love it Jaspy." He said softly flicking a chip at me.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I like you alot...and yes yes I will be your boyfriend" Even though he said yes the fact that I told him I love him....and he didn't say it back made me feel a tad bit imcomplete.
Make sure you vote, comment, share. and follow. I'm going to be completely homest, I was being a lazy bish and taking all day to update and I literally have no excuses and I'm sorry. I also want to say thank you for everyone who's reading and all the comments , votes , and love in my inbox!!!! We've officially reached 1.36k reads and 81 votes!!!! Jamie is loving it!!!

Broken Home, Broken Hearts
Teen FictionHe forcefully pushed me against the wall pressing his lips on mines. I refused to kiss pack until he bit down on my lip....hard. It felt wierd...but I liked it....a little. His tongue battled with mine over dominance usually I won....but not in this...