**Chapter 1**

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(Jasper P.O.V)


"Come on Jasper, I have to get you to the airport in 10 minuets!!!" Dad yelled at me as I stuffed my bags into the car. Today marks the day that I will be spending the next 4 months in California with my mom and twin brother. I missed Danny and mom so much, but I'm nervous to be staying with them for a whole 4 months!!!! I'm used to spending the summer in Cali, not this, but my dad has this new job and I didn't want to hold him back by staying home all of the time. We drove there and just as I was about to get on the plane I ran back and gave my dad a hug.

"Be good, son. I promise I'll come get you as soon as I get back." he ruffled my hair as if I were 4 instead of 17.

"Dad.....im not 4" I wined, playfully punching him in the gut.

"We'll stop acting like it you little runt. See ya kiddo, your flight is going to leave!!!" He turned me around and I walked onto the plane. The ride was long and boring. When we landed I seen my bro holding a sight that said welcome home gaspar, and my mom had a huge smile on her face. He got a hair cut? hmm.

"Hey gassy gaspar!!!!" Danny grabbed me in a head lock.

"Let me go, and that's not my name dummy Daniel!" I laughed, breaking out of his head lock putting his arm in a police hold behind his back.

"Okay boys, right here isn't the place to wrestle. That's why we have a yard at home now come, let's leave so we all can catch up."

Mom pulled us both by the arms to the car. When we arrived at the place I will be calling home for the next 4 months the my brother helped me carry my bags to the guest room.

"Okay I picked up a school schedule for you and everything. Oh, and tomorrow at school I'm going to be at football practice so your going to have to ride the bus home"

My brother was captain of the football team and a real charmer, he his figure is more built than mines. On the other hand back home I'm on no team, people see me as a nobody, I lack physically manly qualities.....and I my shaggy blond hair doesn't help.

"Why can't I stay and watch you play?" I asked

"Look at you dude...err what I mean is that I don't want you getting bullied by these guys....."

"What's wrong with me? why would they bully me?" I hung my head, he picked it back up.

"No it's just if they knew you were my brother.....well I guess it won't hurt to let you come and see me in my excellency" he smiled, making me smile too.

Later on I went to sleep excited about school tomorrow and meeting all my bro's cool friends.


A/n: So this first chapter was kinda of sucky I know...but it gets better I promise. ;)

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