Chapter 11

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They arrived shortly after the sun had set. Clarke had been trying to figure out who or what the legends were. They were a mystery to her. she barely knew anything about them, but they wouldn't tell her anything. She didn't like it, but she gave up when they finally reached Polis. She rejoined the Commander who was leading the large group of people through the streets of Polis towards her tower. The young brunette stopped in front of the tall building and gave her people a few orders. The large group disbanded until only the legends, the Commander, Clarke and a few grounder warriors were left. The Commander walked up to the legends, flanked by Clarke and her warriors. "You will be sleeping in the tower. Rooms for you are being prepared right now. My people will bring you there." Then she turned around and walked away.

Each of the legends had a room to themselves. Their rooms were fairly similar. They were surprisingly spacious. There was a large bed in each of them. There were also closets, cabinets and candles. The legends found that the beds were surprisingly soft and comfortable. All of them were tired and fell asleep quickly.

The sun had barely risen when Sara woke up. She sat up in her bed and looked around. Everything was exactly how she remembered it from the previous day. She took a moment to wake up properly, then she slid out of bed and dressed quickly. She walked over to the window and marveled at the view. The buildings and houses looked tiny from up here. A lot of them were ruins from a time before the nuclear catastrophe. The streets were empty and quiet. Noone seemed to be awake yet. The outskirts of Polis seemed to transition into a forest seamlessly. A few trees were growing between a few huts. They got more and denser the further they were away from the tower. At some point, there were no huts or buildings visible anymore and there were only trees. The forest stretched out for many miles. It covered several smaller hills. In the distance, silhouettes of high mountains graced the view.

Movement caught her eye. She squeezed her eyes together and tried to make out what had distracted her. Right between the first rows of trees that formed the border of the forest, some people were moving. It looked like they were fighting. After watching them for a short while, she decided that she wanted to join them. They were obviously practicing. She thought that this was a good opportunity to go on a run and get to see how the grounders fought.

Sara went to the door and tried to pull it open. When it didn't move, she pushed against it. It didn't move again. The door was locked. She wasn't surprised. She would probably have done the same. She knocked on the door, hoping that a guard might hear her and open the door. She was lucky. Sure enough, she heard a key being inserted into the lock and turned. Then, someone pulled out the key and the door got opened slightly. A grounder poked his head through the gap between the door and the doorframe. Sara took a step back and lifted her hands to show the guard that she was unarmed. The guard pulled his head back and opened the door fully and walked into the room. He asked in a very broken English what she wanted. She told him that she wanted to go for a run. She made running motions with her arms to help him understand what she was saying. The guard shook his head and told her: "You not allowed to leave room." Sara was disappointed but not surprised. She nodded and turned around to walk back to the window when she heard steps in the hallway.

The steps stopped in front of her door. A familiar voice said something in the grounder's language. The guard replied something. Sara had turned around be now. Clarke was talking to the guard. The grounder nodded and left the room. "So you want to go on a run?", Clarke asked, although the question didn't really sound like a question but rather like a statement. The latter nodded. "OK", Clarke replied. "Come with me."

They walked down several flights of stairs until they reached what Sara assumed to be the ground floor. They made their way through a hallway and a room that looked like it had been a reception hall once upon a time. Shortly afterwards, they found themselves standing outside right in front of the tall tower.

"I can show you around, but I'd prefer not to run, if you don't mind." Clarke looked at Sara expectantly. Sara agreed. She hoped that she would get to meet the fighting grounders somewhere along or after the tour.

"This is the temple", Clarke explained. They had been touring the city for an hour. The streets had slowly been starting to fill with people throughout the tour. The two blonde women got stared at a lot by Polis' citizens. They finally reached the outskirts of the city. There were still a few grounders fighting, but most were sitting in a large circle. There was a fight going on in the middle of the circle. It took Sara a moment to recognize the Commander. She was fighting two grown men by herself. But she seemed to have everything under control. Sara gaped at the Commander's speed and elegance. She had rarely seen fighters of her caliber. And this meant something coming from her considering that she had lived with the League of Assassins for years. The grounders were yelling and cheering after every strike from the Commander and her two opponents.

Clarke had been watching Sara. The captain's astonishment was pretty obvious. She could very much understand where that astonishment was coming from. She herself had felt it as well every time that she was watching Lexa fight.

A thud which was followed be loud cheers reverted her attention back to the fight. One of the men had hit the ground and lost his weapon. The other man had just lost his sword too and was backing away from the commander who held out her hand with her sword and pointed it at the throat of that man. Most of the grounders who had been watching the fight were on their feet and were yelling and cheering even louder than before. The commander slid her sword back into its sheath. She proceeded to hold out her hand towards the man who was lying on the ground. She helped him back up on his feet and said something to both men. Then she strode towards Sara and Clarke. The crowd parted in front of her to let her through. She stopped right in front of the two blonde women.

"So, what do you think?", the Commander asked Sara. For a lack of any other words in that moment, the legend simply responded with, "That was very good." The grounder's leader smiled for a second. Then she looked at Clarke who said, "Everything is quiet for now." The Commander nodded. Then she mustered Sara from top to bottom. "Do you fight?"

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