Chapter 16

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Clarke opened the door to Lexa's room. It has been a few hours since they had last talked. The blonde was heartbroken about her decision, but she had thought about it and she couldn't abandon her people. She had to make them realize that they were making a mistake.

She stepped into the Commander's room, but no-one was there. She took a few steps further into the room when Lexa came walking around the corner of a connected room. Her hair was down and she wasn't wearing her usual Commander outfit. She looked more human and vulnerable than Clarke had ever seen her look before which didn't mean that she would dare to pick a fight with her now. Lexa looked up at Clarke. What the blonde was seeing now was just Lexa as a person without any of the usual Commander masquerade. She was just a young woman who had to carry a lot of weight on her shoulders which resulted in Clarke having even more respect for the grounders' leader.

"When do you leave?" Lexa looked sad.

"Now", Clarke replied. She hated to have to leave Polis and Lexa. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You have to go back. They're your people." Lexa's look on her face was heart-wrenching. "That's why I-" Lexa interrupted herself and, instead, quietly said, "That's why you're you."

Clarke looked at her. She was probably the only one who really understood her. No-one else ever really understood why she had done most of the things that she had done in the past. Although she had hoped that Lexa would have finished her other sentence. But she understood, why the grounder hasn't done so.

"Maybe some day, you and I will owe nothing more to our people", Clarke put her thoughts into words.

"I hope so." Lexa grabbed Clarke's wrist, looked her in the eyes and said Skaikru's traditional farewell, "May we meet again."

Clarke noticed a tear beginning to form under Lexa's eye. She couldn't get her mouth to say anything. She was holding on to Lexa and didn't want to let her go. She pulled the brunette towards her and kissed the grounder lightly. She felt the latter loosening up slightly and relaxing in Clarke's arms. Lexa returned the kiss. Clarke felt Lexa's wet tears on her face.

The tower was quiet. Charlie looked out of the window. It was dark by now. Little lights were flickering all the way at the bottom of the tower. Charlie closed her eyes and enjoyed the cold air. Suddenly, she heard noises from the room above hers. She ran out of her room and knocked on the door next to hers. It was Behrad's room. He opened the door after a few seconds. He looked a little confused when he realized who had knocked on his door, but Charlie dragged him to her room and pulled him over to her window before he could say anything. "Do you hear this?" Behrad stood still for a moment. Then he agreed with her. Something was going on there. It sounded like someone was fighting.

They both ran out of the room and up the stairs towards the source of the noise. Right when they turned around a corner, they heard a shots. They ran around the corner and saw a door standing open. They sprinted towards it and saw the Commander on the ground. Clarke was next to her and Titus was standing in the room motionless with a gun in his hands. He looked like he had seen a ghost. A rough looking guy was tied to a chair. Clarke was saying something to the Commander in her arms. The grounder had apparently been shot in the stomach.

Charlie reacted quickly. She told Behrad to get the captain and the rest of the team while she helped Clarke and Titus get the Commander onto the bed in the room. Then she sent Titus out of the room. He refused at first, but obeyed when Lexa told him weakly to leave. Clarke was obviously worried out of her mind. She tried to slow the bleeding down as much as she could. Charlie realized only now that the blood was black, but she didn't ask.

"Come on. We're running out of time!", Charlie murmured to herself. Clarke looked at her strangely. She had tears running down her face.

A minute flew by. Charlie looked out of the window. She was so distracted that she didn't even hear the rest of the team coming into the room. She only realized that they were there, because Sara went over to the window to open it. A gust of freezing cold air went through the room and announced the arrival of something large in front of the window.

The Waverider's ramp got lowered and stopped right at the bottom edge of the window frame. Behrad and Nate climbed out of the window and onto the ramp. Sara followed them and ran up into the ship.

Clarke looked confused, but didn't refuse when Mick picked up the Commander from the bed. He went over to the window and carefully placed her in Nate's arms. He had steeled up and was carefully walking up towards the ship. Clarke and Behrad were right behind him. Charlie and the rest of the legends were following them in a short distance.

Charlie closed the Waverider's entrance as soon as everyone was inside. The boy who had originally been tied to a chair had been left alone in the room.

Nate was trying to avoid any unnecessary movements while he was walking over to the medbay. He set her down as carefully as possible on the first examination table to his left. As soon as he had pulled his arms away, Gideon started scanning her.

Sara sent everyone but Clarke and Charlie away. "What will happen now?", Clarke wanted to know. She stared down at the Commander's unnaturally white face. Before anyone could answer, Gideon explained, "Captain, the Commander has lost a lot of blood and I can't help her because of her unique blood. But I can keep her alive in a coma for a few hours. However, she will die if she does not get any blood soon." Sara nodded and thanked the AI.

Clarke was holding the Commander's hand and was whispering something inaudible to her. Tears were still running down her face.

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