Chapter 19

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"Well, that was a little too close for comfort", Ava said when her, Mick and Nate got back to the Waverider. Behrad had been waiting for them in the cargo bay.

"Do you guys know where the others are?", the totem bearer asked them.

"Are Sara and the others not back yet?", Ava responded.

Behrad shook his head. "They might need a little bit longer if they just got out", he speculated.

Sara, Clarke and Raven were stumbling past trees while looking back and making sure that they weren't being followed. Raven was clenching her teeth, trying not to scream in pain. She couldn't use her injured leg at all anymore. She was trying to hop on one leg, but was too slow. Sara and Clarke were basically carrying her with her feet dragging along the floor.

They didn't seem to be followed. Skaikru was probably too busy trying to find them in Arcadia.

Clarke looked up and caught a glimpse of something large and grey not too far away in front of them. She alerted Sara to it and told Rave that they were nearly there. Raven wondered out loud what "there" was, but no-one answered.

Suddenly, they heard shouting somewhere behind them. Then there was a shot. It was followed by another one. Clarke felt a gust of air her skin as the bullet flew past her and hit a tree next to her.

"They found us", Raven warned the legends' captain and her friend weakly.

"Really?!", Clarke and Sara yelled sarcastically at the same time.

They grabbed Ravens arms tighter and picked up speed. They heard a few more shots and bullets hitting trees around them.

Mick met them at the edge of the lighting where the Waverider was and picked Raven up. Together they ran towards the time ship. As soon as they had entered the cargo bay, the ramp went up and the ship lifted off the ground.

Mick brought Raven to the med bay and sat her down on the only other examination table that was unused.

"Gideon?", Sara asked.

"Her leg is in bad shape, but I can help her", the AI answered Sara's open question.

Raven's facial expression reflected confusion, surprise, curiosity and pain at the same time. Then, her face went blank and her head fell back onto the headrest. Gideon had administered an anesthetic that had knocked the mechanic out.

"Sara, you're bleeding", Ava disrupted the moment of silence.

"Oh, yeah. I got shot", Sara said while looking down at her left upper arm. "But it's just a graze shot."

"I can take a look at it", Clarke offered.

"You are not flinching at all!"

Sara had given her team things to do. Then, the group had left the room to do their tasks except for Mick who just returned to his room and his beer. Clarke and Sara were the only conscious  people left in the med bay. Clarke was stitching up Sara's wound.

"Pain and I have to come to a little understanding a while ago", was the captain's response to Clarke's comment. Then no-one said anything for a while.

"Where did you learn this?", Sara asked Clarke in an attempt to break the slightly awkward silence.

"My mother taught me", Clarke replied while wrapping a clean white bandage around Sara's arm.

As soon as Clarke was done, Sara got up and went over to Raven who was still unconscious. "Who is she?"

Clarke was a little thrown off by the question. "A mechanic", she replied.

"I know", the legends' captain replied, "but what is she to you?"

Sara looked up at Clarke who had joined her on Raven's other side. It was obvious that there were a lot of things that the legends didn't know about these people and Sara didn't expect Clarke to spill all of their secrets. Clarke was hesitant.

"Look, I am not asking you to tell me any big secrets, but I need to know who we are dealing with here. She is on our ship and is a potential danger."

Clarke nodded. She understood what Sara meant. However, there was something that confused her. "Why are you asking me that now? Why not before we picked her up?"

Sara shrugged. "We haven't really had much time to talk on our way to get her."

Clarke didn't look convinced.

"Also, after seeing Skaikru's base, I am just worried whose side she is really on and what she is capable of."

Clarke nodded understandingly. "Might be good to tell you the whole story then. How much do you know about what happened here?"

"There was a nuclear catastrophe that-"

Clarke interrupted her, "That is true, but I mean do you know what happened between Skaikru and the grounders?"

"No, I have heard some parts of what has happened, but not the full story."

Clarke nodded again. "You probably know that Skaikru came here from a space station. We were waiting up there for the radiation to get better so we could return here, but some problems on the station forced us to come here earlier. Originally, it was just me and 100 other children. We accidentally burned down a grounder village. In our defense, we didn't know that they even existed at that time. Anyway, they caught one of my people, we caught one of their people and that is how this conflict started out. Raven came down and joined us before the rest of my people came. She helped us survive. When we had to defend ourselves against a big attack from the grounders' she got injured and I killed most of their warriors that they sent. Then, me and most of the children who survived the attack, got captured by people who lived in a mountain. We call them Mountain men. We found out that they also kept grounders in cages. I escaped and got the grounders and my people to join forces and get our people. But on the night of our attack, the Commander made a deal with the Maintain men to get her people back and leave. So me and my people had to get our people back by ourselves without any help. We did get them back, but my people were obviously unhappy with the grounders."

"What happened with the Mountain men?", Sara interrupted Clarke.

A shadow fell over Clarke's face. "They are dead."

Sara had a feeling that Clarke wasn't telling her everything about this, but she didn't want to ask. She had the suspicion that Clarke was the one who was responsible for all the deaths. Her suspicion got supported by Clarke's next sentence.

"I left, because I just couldn't bare to be around my people after that. So, I don't know what exactly happened after I was gone. From what I have heard, they found more survivors from space. They have apparently been attacked by the grounders too. Their leader, Pike, hates them and is willing to do anything to make them pay. The majority of Skaikru must agree with him, because he got voted the new chancellor and has since been attacking the grounders and killing them, mostly in unfair fights."

Sara was silent for a moment. She needed to process the full story. Then she asked, "So how did you end up on the opposite side? You must have hated the grounders at least as much as the rest of your people."

Clarke thought back to the first time that she had seen Lexa again after Mount Weather. "The Commander had sent people to capture me and bring me to Polis. I hated her at first. But we needed her to stop more fighting and killing. I tried to save my people, but that didn't really work out obviously."

There were some pieces missing in that story, but Sara decided that it was probably better not ask her about that right now. Instead she asked about Raven. "How do we know that she is on our side and really is here to help?"

Clarke looked down at her friend. "She hates the Commander for what she had done to her ex-boyfriend, but she is my friend and she doesn't want a war."

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