Chapter 6

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Mick went to his room after announcing that he was bored. Everyone else apart from Behrad was still on the bridge. Sara and Charlie were talking to Gideon, trying to figure out a way how to get back to their Earth. Astra and John were chatting quietly while Zari sat a few feet away from them and was glaring at Astra. Nate was asking Clarke questions about the Commander, trying to figure out what kind of leader they were expecting. Indra was gloomily staring into the air in front of her. Ava was watching her. She didn't quite trust the grounder.

"Is the Commander a good fighter?", Nate asked curiously, but also a little afraid of the answer. Clarke raised her eyebrows. "What kind of question is that? She is the Commander. People want to kill her all the time. Of course, she is good. And even if she weren't, she is our leader. I can't say she's bad, can I?" Nate agreed.

Clarke still didn't fully trust those strangers. They were bizarre people. Neither the people from the Ark nor the grounders or the Mountain people were like them. She couldn't help but be curious.

Nate suddenly changed the topic. "Does Indra always glare or can she also make other facial expressions?" Clarke turned her head to see if Indra had heard him, but Indra didn't react. She seemed to not have heard it or she was pretending that she didn't. Either way, she didn't move. "Be careful. You don't want to upset her. The commander trusts her. Don't make her your enemy." Nate nodded. Clarke added whispering, "I do think that her muscles got stiff from years of glaring though and she can't do anything else, even if she wanted to." Nate chuckled.

Indra didn't trust the Legends either. She was listening to Clarke's conversation and she heard the joke, but she didn't want to start a childish fight so she just ignored it. A movement caught her eye. The tall, blonde woman who had been watching her for a while, had gotten up and was walking towards Indra now. She had forgotten the woman's name.

She continued suspiciously watching the blonde walk towards her until the latter stopped in front of the grounder. "Hi, I am Ava." Ava stretched out a hand, but Indra just looked at it until Ava lowered it again. She still wasn't used to the weird habit of shaking hands that the Skaikru people had too. Instead, she acted as cold as always. "What do you want from me?" Ava set down next to her. "I merely want to know what happened here that killed billions of humans." "Nuclear bombs", Indra answered shortly. "Yes, but how did your people survive?", Ava specified. Indra looked at her. "Only the strong people survived", she explained with a hint of pride in her voice.

Before anyone could say anything else, they got interrupted by Sara who shouted that someone was hitting the ship from outside. Everyone on the bridge ran to the ramp that was still up. Gideon lowered it as soon as they arrived there. Shouts were audible from outside. Then, heads and bodies got visible. The ship was surrounded by a lot more grounders than there had been before and they looked like they were ready to attack. A woman with a red cape and dark makeup around her eyes was standing in front of the warriors. She had her hand placed on the hilt of a sword. Indra stepped forwards with Clarke who motioned to everyone else to stay back.

"Commander, these are the people who landed here," Clarke announced. "They have cooperated with everything we told them for now. They said that they are here in peace." The Commander gave Clarke a nod who signaled the Legends to join them. They walked slowly towards the three women. The warriors around the ship started to close in on the legends until the Commander told them to stand down with a quick hand motion.

The closer the legends came to the Commander, the more details they noticed about her. She was young, but at the same time, she had a unique presence around her that demanded respect from everyone around her. She radiated an aura of strength and power that was unnatural for a person of her age. She looked like she was basically still a child and yet there was no doubt about who was in charge here. The legends couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration for the Commander.

As soon as they reached her, Clarke introduced them. "Commander, these are the Legends." Suddenly, the Commander drew her sword and grabbed John. Her sword was at his throat before anyone knew what was going on. All heads turned towards the source of the sudden outburst of tension. Sara's voice was what caught everyone's attention. Nobody had realized it up until now, but she had grabbed Clarke just as quickly and had placed a knife at her throat. She ordered the Commander through gritted teeth to let John go. In an attempt to defuse the situation, Nate quietly spoke, "Don't worry. That's one of our people." Mick was standing on the ramp and was aiming his gun at the commander. Sara ordered him loudly to lower his gun. He obeyed, loudly exclaiming his discontent with the fact that he couldn't set anything on fire, again. Lexa let John go and Sara put her knife away while apologizing to Clarke quietly.

"I am sorry for that. He was on the ship and no one told him what was happening", Sara apologized to the Commander. Clarke and Indra were standing next to the grounders' leader. Both seemed to be unfazed by what had just happened. "Does this kind of thing happen often around here?", Nate said to no one in particular and louder than planned. The commander didn't answer. Instead, she announced that she wanted to talk to the legends' leader alone.

Sara requested that at least Ava should accompany her. The Commander accepted the request.

So Sara warned the rest of the legends to not do anything stupid while she was gone. Nate answered for the group, "You got it, captain." Sara heard the sarcasm but chose to ignore it. Instead, she just raised an eyebrow. Then, she, Ava, and the Commander left the small army of grounders and the rest of the legends to find a more quiet spot between some trees. Indra and Clarke followed them.

"We need to talk about what we will do about this situation", the Commander explained.

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