Chapter 13

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Sara decided that lying was probably not the best thing to do. Instead she confirmed the Commander's question. The grounder suggested a fight between Sara and one of her better fighters. Sara wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but at the same time she didn't want to back down from a fight and she was curious herself how she would do.

After Sara agreed to the fight, the Commander called one of the men over who Sara recognized as one of the men who had accompanied them from the Waverider to Polis. A few minutes later, Sara found herself in midst of a circle again. She was faced by a man who was apparently called Makis. That was at least what the Commander called him. He was in fighting stance and was staring at Sara.

As soon as the Commander had given the signal to start the fight, Makis ran towards Sara. He attacked her right away. The legend noticed very quickly that this grounder was much quicker and more aggressive in his attacks than her previous opponent. Sara blocked some of his attacks with her sword and dodged some others. Every once in a while for the first few seconds she swung her sword at him as well. Her attacks got more frequent as she began to find her rhythm. She had never fought anyone before who used the grounder's fighting style.

They had fought for a few minutes. The fight had been fairly equal for the most time, but it was starting to show that Sara was winning. Makis was mainly dodging and parrying Sara's sword now. After a few more of Sara's swings, the grounder lost his sword. The crowd of onlookers was going wild by now. Sara threw her sword aside. She swung her leg and nearly kicked Makis in his stomach. The grounder dodged her leg in the last second. He tried to punch Sara in the face, but the woman ducked and he missed. She threw a punch at his face instead followed by a kick to his leg. Makis lost his balance and fell to the ground. He got up right away, but flinched when he put his weight on the leg that Sara had kicked. He tried to attack the legend's captain but missed her. Sara punched his head again which knocked the grounder out. He fell down on his back and stayed still.

Most of the grounders who had been watching the fight were yelling at the top of their lungs by now. Sara could barely hear the Commander's voice when she came towards the captain. "Well done. You are a very good fighter. But I have never seen your fighting style before." Sara thanked her and replied that she had never seen a fighting style like theirs either. The crowd was slowly calming down. "You know I wonder if who would win in a fight between the two of you", Sara heard a voice behind her. Clarke appeared on her left. The Commander smiled for a moment but said that they had return to the tower now. The rest of the legends were probably becoming restless. She added quietly so only Sara could hear her that they could have that fight tomorrow morning though. Sara agreed with a nod. Then she followed the Commander out of the forest and to the tower.

The other legends were still in the dining hall. They had been debating whether they could climb from the room's window to another one without falling and inevitably dying when the door opened and Sara entered the room followed by Clarke and the Commander. "Good that you are here, cap", Nate greeted her. Charlie went up to the captain and gave her quick hug while saying, "We were starting to worry about you. Good thing that you are here now and no one has to climb out of the window." Sara furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly. "Why did you want to climb out of the window?" Charlie explained that they hadn't been allowed to leave the room ever since they had been brought here which had been about two hours ago. Sara turned to face the two women who had followed her into the room. "I am sorry that we locked you in here, but you surely understand that we can't just trust a bunch of strangers and let them run around the tower or the city unsupervised. We didn't want to take any risks", Clarke explained. Mick answered for everyone with an unhappy grunt.

Lexa had left the legends under Clarke's supervision and had gone to the throne room. As she entered she saw that several people were there and had apparently been waiting for her. She ignored all of them on her way to her throne. Titus stood next to it. He had learned from experience to stay quiet until she had sat down so he waited clearly impatiently for her to sit down. She took her time on purpose for her personal entertainment. Titus was getting more twitchy every second that passed.

As soon as she was seated the words burst out of him. "Commander, Skaikru has attacked and destroyed a town in Trikru territory. We can't just sit idly by anymore. 'Blood must not have blood' is clearly not working. Your people are becoming restless. They want you to do something  about Skaikru." "Like what?", the Commander asked angrily. "They have guns. A war with them would end up in all of us getting killed." "Maybe, but you have to do something. People are beginning to question your loyalty and strength," Titus warned her. "Now you brought these strangers to Polis. Where are they from and who are they?"

Lexa was getting angry. She didn't like being confronted like that, especially not in front of other people. "They are from space. You haven't seen what they can do. They stopped an attack from Skaikru all on their own! I prefer having them here where I can keep a close eye on them. Besides, if we manage to get them on our side, they might be a great asset if it were to come to a war between the coalition and Skaikru." Her tone suggested that she wouldn't tolerate any further questions or objections. Titus seemed to have understood the message, because he nodded obediently and stayed quiet.

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