Chapter 15

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"We cannot idly sit by anymore and watch Skaikru kill our people", Titus announced. He was facing the Commander with discontent written all over his face. The legends observed the dispute between Clarke and Titus in silence. The Commander's facial expression revealed that she was very angry. Ava did also notice that the grounders' leader seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

The former director of the Time Bureau had picked up on the fact that the Commander treated Clarke different than everyone else. She seemed to have a respect for the blonde woman that no-one else had. Something has probably happened in the past that bonded them like this, Ava figured.

It was pretty obvious to Ava that the Commander didn't really have another choice but to do something about their attackers and it seemed that war was the only way to stop the attacks. Ava was surprised by the Commander's reluctance to start a war, because the grounders had struck her as rather aggressive people who didn't have a problem with brutality.

The Commander raised her hands to silence everyone in the room. "Today I call upon the armies of the 12 clans to march on Arkadia. Not to attack, but to contain. We will blockade he 13 clan. We will keep them from the lands they wish to possess. We will give them time to take out their leaders from within. Once they rise up against them, then we will welcome them back as one of us."

The grounders started talking among themselves. Many were visibly displeased with this announcement. "You heard the Commander", Titus tried to calm them down. "Send riders. Tell your armies to set up a buffer zone around Arkadia. Five miles should be enough to keep them away from our villages." Then he addressed the Commander, "What are their orders, Heda?"

The Commander took a long look at Clarke, before she answered, "Any Skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order." There were protests from the grounders. One of them tried to kill the Commander, but his attack was cut short by Titus who stabbed the grounder and killed him. Other grounders gathered around the dead grounder's body while Titus turned towards the Commander with the bloody knife in his hand saying, "Blood must have blood."

Ava felt Sara move her arm. She looked down at her girlfriend's hand and saw her put away a knife underneath her shirt. Ava lifted her gaze up to Sara's face. She looked tense and worried.

Clarke walked up to Lexa's door and knocked. When she didn't hear a response, she opened it and stepped into the Commander's bedroom. The young brunette was sitting on the floor in front of her bed and seemed to be meditating. She didn't react to someone coming into her room. Clarke spoke up, "Someone tried to kill you today. How are you this calm?" Lexa opened her eyes and stated, "You're angry about the kill order." Clarke affirmed the Commander's statement. The leader of the coalition proceeded to ask, "How else would you have me enforce a blockade?" Clarke didn't answer.

Instead she wanted to know when she had to leave. The Commander got up. "We may be drawing a line, but who's to say you can't choose to stay on this side of it?"

Both of them turned their heads slightly towards the door when they heard voices on the other side of it. Then they faced each other again. "I know someone who might." Lexa smiled for a brief moment. Then the doors were opened and Titus cam marching into the room.

The legends had been allowed out of their rooms as long as they didn't leave the tower. Behrad took advantage of that. He went to explore the tower with Nate while they didn't have anything better to do anyways. They had toured several floors when they heard shouting. They decided to walk towards it to find out what was going on and ended up finding themselves in a hallway with a several doors on both sides. A few of them were broken, but most of them were in one piece. There were two guards next to one of these doors. They hadn't noticed the two legends yet. The shouting was definitely coming from the room behind that door. The voices sounded a lot like the Commander and Titus.

Nate and Behrad figured that the guards would probably not allow them to eavesdrop on the Commander so they snuck into a room where the door was missing. They sat down and leaned against the wall that was closest to the Commander's room. Then they held their breathes and tried to understand what was being yelled, but they couldn't really understand anything. 

Suddenly, the shouting stopped. They heard a door open and a pair of feet walked towards the room that they were in. Behrad and Nate tried hide but there was nowhere to hide so they just pressed their bodies up against the wall next to the door hoping that no-one would see them. The pair of feet came closer. It reached the entrance to the room and didn't stop. The feet just kept on going. Nate and Behrad only realized that they had been holding their breaths when the sound of the feet on the ground faded away.

They took a few deep breathes to calm down then they peak around the corner to see what the guards were doing. The two grounders didn't seem to have moved. Behrad and Nate snuck out of the room on tiptoes. They only dared to speak up when after they had gone to another floor.

"Well that was intense", Nate said. Both started to laugh because of all of the tension that they had just been under. A door got opened right next to them. "Oi, shut up, will you? I'm trying to sleep." Charlie's body was hidden behind the door. Only her head was visible. They hadn't realized that they were back on the floor where their bedrooms were located. "Why are you sleeping now? It's, like, late afternoon", Behrad responded. Charlie shook her head in despair and closed the door behind her. Behrad and Nate went back to Behrad's room.

When they opened the door, Zari was sitting on Behrad's bed. "Oh, there you are", Zari greeted them. After a moment, she asked, "Where were you?" She looked at them suspiciously. They looked at each other and told her what happened.

"Do you know what could have happened if they would have caught you two sneaking around and eavesdropping on the Commander?", Zari remarked with dismay. "Relax, sis, we didn't. That's all that matters." Zari stared at her brother warningly. Then she said with a milder facial expression, "Too bad that you couldn't find out what they were talking about."

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