Chapter 14

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Ava was sitting on the top of the Waverider's ramp and was watching the grounders who had stayed behind to keep an eye on Zari, Behrad and her. They were bizarre people. Her first impression of them had been that they were just a bunch of wild, primitive barbarians, but she began to understand that there was more to these people than one could observe on the first glance. They were disciplined hard-working people who listened to orders and worked well together. No matter how hostile they were towards strangers and enemies, they appeared to be very polite and caring among their own people.

Someone seems to have gone hunting, because a fire was going and a deer was being turned slowly above it. A delicious smell was spreading around the lighting and the Waverider's cargo bay. An air lock opened behind her and someone joined her at the top of the ramp. "We are done", Behrad announced. "That was quick", Ava acknowledged what he said. "Yes", Behrad relied, "my sister was surprisingly motivated to fix the ship. And the Grounders were very helpful too. They were super quick at getting us everything we needed."

A shot broke the calm and echoed through the air. A grounder's knees gave in and he fell to the ground. The grounders threw themselves down on the ground and started crawling towards the trees opposite of where the shot had come from. Ava shouted that they should run to the ship. One of the grounders stopped and looked at her. She tried to tell them with arm motions that they should run to the ship which the grounder who had looked back seemed to understand. She said something to the other grounders. They jumped up in unison and started sprinting towards the ship. Meanwhile, Ava had grabbed a gun out of one of the boxes in the Cargo Bay. She told Gideon to start up the engines and take off as soon as the grounders were in the ship. Then she started shooting in the direction where the shot had come from. More shots were echoing through the air when the grounders were sprinting towards the ship. They had nearly reached the ship when one of them went down. The others turned around and picked the injured grounder up, before they continued running to the ship and up to the cargo bay. The ramp moved up and closed the entrance to the ship while the ship lifted up from the ground and took off.

Ava left Behrad with the grounders in the cargo bay while she made her way to the bridge. Zari met her there. "What is happening?" Ave explained the situation to her quickly and proceeded to ask Gideon where they were going. "I set a course to Polis", the AI answered.

Lexa was still in her throne room when the legends' ship slowed down not far away from Polis. The movement of the ship caught her attention. She saw the ship land on a clearing. After a few minutes, it disappeared into thin air. She gave orders to her warriors to check out the lighting and see what was going on.

As soon as they had left the room, the doors opened again and Titus came striding in. "What happened?" Lexa told him what she had seen. She regretted letting Indra return to her town when they had left the legends' ship. She would have liked to have her scout out the lighting.

"Get the legends back to their rooms and send Makis up to see me", she ordered Titus. It didn't take long till she heard a knock on the door. The guard who had been standing next to the door and watching the legends for a few hours opened the doors and stepped in after she invited him in. The Commander ordered him to tell her everything he had observed about the strangers.

He obeyed and started recounting in Trigedasleng what he had noticed. "They are chaotic, undisciplined, and impulsive. One of them, a woman, is very cold and seems to be annoyed and wants to kill someone all the time. Her name is Astra. The bald guy just doesn't care about anything. He barely speaks and complains a lot about the fact that we wouldn't give him any alcohol. The others called him Mick and Rory. I don't know which is his actual name. He and the woman tried to attack me several times. The guy with the blond hair is strange. He has a very strange accent that I couldn't always understand properly. His name is John. He basically does whatever he wants to do and doesn't care wha the others think. The third guy, Nate, seems to be rather soft. He is seems to care about the others a lot. Charlie is the other woman apart from the captain. She was the main person who tried to keep everyone calm. She was also annoyed by everyone else. In general, I don't know how they can be a team, because all of them seemed to be annoyed by each other."

The commander nodded. She wasn't surprised. This group was very unusual and it seemed like they were determined to proof that over and over again. She was curious if any of them were fighters like their captain.

The legends were on their way to the throne room because they had been summoned by the Commander. They were right in front of the doors when Sara heard a voice out of the room that sounded familiar to her. She could have sworn that it had been Ava's voice. But what was she doing here?

The doors opened in front of them and their grounder escort led them into the throne room. Sara recognized some of the grounders who were standing in front of a large, decorated chair that had to be the throne. Next to them were Behrad, Zari, and Ava. The Commander was standing in front of them and was saying something. The sound of the doors when they closed caused all of them to turn and see who had entered the room. Nate and Behrad ran towards each other and did their handshake. Sara saw a Nate pause with sadness written all over his face for a very brief moment. She didn't think that anyone else had caught it. She knew that Nate was missing Ray. He usually managed to hide it from the team and no-one else had caught on to it, but Sara knew how he felt. Ray had started this journey on the Waverider with her and he had become irreplaceable not only to the team but also to her.

A hug from Ava brought her back to reality from a short tour through memory lane. She planted a kiss on Ava's lips before telling her that she had missed her. Ava stepped beside Sara and both of them caught up to the other legends who were walking towards the throne. Zari was strutting next to John and was talking to him. Sara was glad that the team was complete again, but she was also wondering what had happened.

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