Chapter 17

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"Where can we get black blood from? The Commander can't be the only one with this blood", Sara wanted to know. Clarke was in the captain's office with her and Ava. Charlie had gone to take a shower and get the black blood out of her hair. The others were busy somewhere else on the Waverider.

Sara had barely gotten Clarke to leave the Commander's side. She had noticed a bond between them before and had asked a grounder who knew a little English whether there something between the Commander and Clarke, but he had stared at her in shock and then walked away. She hadn't talked about it anymore after that.

Clarke answered weakly that this blood was rare and every "natblida" was currently in the tower. She faltered a little when she said "every natblida". Sara gave her a curious look, but didn't say anything. "But they are all children", Clarke finished.

Clarke was back at Lexa's side while Charlie had returned to the tower with Behrad and Zari. Sara wanted to save the Commander, but she didn't want to use the children's blood. She was in the captain's office with the rest of the legends who were still on the ship.

"Ray would have been able to figure something out", Nate murmured with a sad expression. They all missed the optimistic, enthusiastic, annoyingly nice scientist, but they had been so busy fighting two mean, old goddesses and saving the world that they haven't really had much time, to miss Ray.

"Yes", Ava agreed, "but Ray is sadly not here. So we have to find a way to save the Commander without him."

"Where is the Commander?", Titus wanted to know. "What did you do with her?" Charlie was about to lose it. "What did WE do with her? We are the only reason why she is still alive, you-" Behrad stopped her before she could insult the grounder. "You shot her! Why, the hell, did you try to kill her?", Charlie barely managed to keep her voice down, but her tone suggested that she was ready to fight Titus.

He stared at her. "I did not try to kill her. I would never kill the Commander!"

"Yeah, right", Charlie said in a suspiciously calm tone. "Why were you holding a gun in your hand then and why was the Commander bleeding out on the floor after I heard shots?", Charlie proceeded to yell at him.

"I wasn't trying to shoot her. I was trying to shoot Clarke!", Titus tried to defend himself.

"Excuse me?" That response threw Charlie off for a moment. "What the hell is wrong with you?", she yelled at him.

"She is the only reason why the Commander doesn't attack Skaikru. They have been killing our people and she doesn't punish them for that. They will keep on attacking our people if we don't do anything. I wanted to make her angry enough at Skaikru to attack them. The only way to accomplish that was having it look like one of Skaikru's people killed Clarke", he tried to defend his actions.

"So, that's why that boy was there", Charlie responded. She had completely forgotten about him when everyone had tried to help save the Commander. She was wondering where he was.

"Where is that boy now?"

Meanwhile, Clarke had rejoined the rest of the legends in the captain's office.

"Is there anyone who might be able to help us recreate the Commander's blood?", Ava wanted to know.

Clarke answered that she maybe knew someone, but that person was with Skaikru and there was no way how they would be able to get that person in time.

Sara replied that she should leave that part up to the legends.

"Are you sure that this person is going to help if we get her", the captain wanted to clarify. Clarke nodded with her head.

With no-one in charge at the tower, the legends just left with Clarke and the Commander onboard. Zari and Astra stayed behind to keep an eye on how things developed at the tower while the rest of the legends were gone.

They landed not too far away from the remnants of the space station, called the Arc, that Skaikru had lived on before they came to Earth according to Clarke. The Waverider was disguised which meant that no-one should have been able to see them landing. The legends split up after they left the Waverider.

Bellamy was in a meeting with Chancellor Pike when someone knocked on the door. "Chancellor, there is someone at the gate."

Pike got up and opened the door. "Do you know what they want?"

"No", the guard answered. "But they want to speak to you."

Pike picked up his gun and gave Bellamy a sign to follow him.

Some people were curious and had gathered near the gate, but those groups disbanded when Pike and Bellamy arrived.

They didn't recognize the people who were standing outside of their gate. They didn't look like grounders, but Pike didn't want to risk letting them in yet.

"Who are you and what do you want?", he demanded to know.

"Hi, I am Nate. Those are -", he pointed at the person to his right, "- Mick and -", he pointed at the person to his left, "- Ava. We are here on behalf of the grounders."

Pike narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything.

Nate took that as a sign to continue explaining why they were here. "We would like to know why you attack them."

Pike tried to hide his confusion. Who were those people and why did they care whether he attacked the grounders or not?

"I assume that you have never met any grounders if you have to ask. They killed our people when we arrived here without a warning or an explanation", he yelled.

"They must have had their reasons", Ave replied.

"And now you are the one attacking them and killing their people. Even if they did what you claim that they have done, shouldn't you be better?", Nate tried to reason with him.

Pike was beginning to get angry. "They are ruthless killers. Why are you defending them?"

"Because we met them. They can seem like berserkers, but they are not", Nate stated.

"But you, on the other hand, are from what we have seen so far", Ava added.

Pike could barely hold it together at this point. "How dare you accuse us of being like them?", he hissed loudly enough for Nate, Mick and Ava to hear it.

Pike looked back over his shoulder and realized that most of Skaikru had gathered behind him to see and listen to what was going on. Suddenly, someone called for him.

"Chancellor, I found Miller knocked out near the infirmary", a woman yelled.

"Guards, search Arcadia and find the intruders", Pike ordered. Then her turned towards the tree strangers. They had turned around and started running away as soon as the chancellor had been warned.

He took his gun and started shooting. A few seconds later the strangers reached the trees and disappeared. Pike could have sworn that he had hit Nate, but he just kept running without any signs of pain or injury.

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