Chapter 18

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Sara and Clarke split up from the rest of the team and steered clear of Skaikru's camp.

"Who is his person that we are looking for?", Sara asked.

"Raven. She is technically a mechanic, but I am hoping that she might have a better idea how to make night blood", Clarke explained.

"What is that blood anyways? And why is it called night blood?", Sara wondered.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't know what exactly it is. I'm guessing that it's called night blood because of its color", Clarke speculated, "and only natblidas can be commanders."

Sara nodded and stayed quiet until Clarke stopped her and told her that they had arrived. They had walked around the camp and found themselves not far away from the fence of Arcadia. A small, open plain separated them from a secret entrance into the camp.

Sara told Ava via coms that they were in position. Once the captain received a response from the former director of the Time Bureau, she signaled to Clarke that they were good to go.

Both of them left the cover of trees and snuck to the hidden entrance. Sara took a quick look around, before she told Clarke to go. The latter climbed into the shaft and crawled as quietly as she could towards the end of the shaft. She pushed the metal wall carefully out and stuck her head out of the resulting gap to make sure that no-one was there.

Once she gave Sara the signal that they were alone, Sara took one last look around and followed Clarke into the shaft. They both got out on the other side and put the metal piece back where it belonged to hide the shaft.

"Where to now?", Sara whispered. "Follow me", Clarke replied quietly. Then she stuck her head around a corner to check if the bordering hallway was empty. Once she was sure that no-one was there, she stepped into that hallway and started walking quietly but with purpose. Sara followed her. A few hallways later, Clarke suddenly held her hand up. She had heard someone not far away from them. Sara stopped and both of them pressed against the wall on their right as if it would hide them from whoever was about to possibly discover them.

The steps came closer. A guard turned around a corner and would have easily seen the two intruders if she wouldn't have been busy looking down at a piece of paper that she was carrying. When she finally looked up and saw Clarke standing right next to her, Sara had already snuck up on her. She hit the back of the guard's head with a metal bottle that she had picked up somewhere on the way from the shaft to here.

The guard was knocked out right away. Clarke and Sara caught her before her body hit the ground. They carried her across the hallway and hid the guard's body in an empty room. Then they continued on their search to find Raven.

Sara had to knock another guard out on the way, but they had to leave him in the hallway, because all of the doors in the hallway were closed.

Sara heard people outside. The distraction had worked. However, they needed to hurry up. Sara knew that Ava, Nate and Mick wouldn't be able to distract the guards and the other people in Arcadia forever. Right when she was about to warn Clarke to hurry up, they entered a room with large metal boxes that had cables hanging out of them and flickering rows of lights and buttons. The room was filled with a low buzzing sound. This had to be some kind of server room.

A girl was standing if front of one of those servers and was doing something with one of the cables. The girl turned around to see who had opened the door and stared at the two women in front of her. "Hey Clarke, what are you doing here and who is that?"

"Hey Raven, this is Sara. I don't have time to explain everything right now, but you need to come with us. We need your help."

Raven looked at them with a confused expression. "You shouldn't have come here. If anyone sees you, you're going to get in some serious trouble."

"I wouldn't have come if I would have had any other choice. Lexa is dying", Clarke explained desperately.

"And why should I care? She had Finn killed", Raven responded. Sara gave Clarke a questioning look while she was guarding the entrance and making sure that no-one came in here and found them. Clarke ignored Sara's obvious question and said instead that Lexa was the only thing that had kept the grounders from attacking Skaikru and starting a war so far.

"We need to hurry", Sara interrupted their discussion. She had seen a guard run past the door. Running guards were never a good sign if you were sneaking onto an enemy's base. The guard had probably find the guard's body that they had left out in the hallway.

"We really need you", Clarke tried to convince her friend.

Raven sighed. "Fine, but my leg is bad. I can't walk properly."

Clarke put Raven's arm around her shoulders and helped her walk towards the door. Sara joined them there and helped support Raven on her other side. Together they left the room and tried to get back to the hidden shaft as quickly as possible. They had nearly reached it when they heard shouting. They had been found. A group of four guards came running towards them. Sara slipped away from under Raven's arm and told Clarke to leave and not wait for her.

Clarke hesitated for a moment, but decided to listen to Sara when she saw the guards coming closer. Her and Raven stumbled away from Sara towards to hallway where the shaft was located.

Sara turned around to face the guards. She pulled her two metal sticks out and started running towards the guards.

The first one was down before he had time to realize what had just happened. The other three didn't go down quite as quickly. The had been surprised by Sara's attack, but while she had taken out one of them, the others have had time to prepare better.

Sara kicked one of them in the stomach, while she dodged another guard's punch that would have hit her right in the face. The guard whom she had hit was holding his stomach and had stumbled a few steps backwards. The fourth guard had taken his place. She tried to kick Sara in the side. The other guard tried to punch her in the chest. Sara dodged both them and kicked one of them in the head which knocked him out. The second guard had recovered from her first kick by now and attacked her with the only other guard who was not knocked out yet. Sara dodged both attacks again and pushed one of them against the wall. She smashed the guard's head against it and punched the other guard in the face. Both of them went down at the same time. One of them was still awake and was holding his bleeding nose.

Sara ran off towards the shaft without looking back. There, she met up with Clarke who was still standing outside of the shaft. Sara could hear Raven crawling through it.

"Did you just knock out all four guards?", Clarke asked surprised.

"Yes", Sara answered, "but more will be coming soon. We need to hurry up."

Clarke nodded and climbed into the shaft. Sara followed. She heard voices close to them right before she pulled the metal back into position in front of the hidden shaft. Within a few seconds, they were back outside of the camp. Sara and Clarke supported Raven when they hurried to get distance between them and the camp.

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