Chapter 22

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Once Raven had gone over her plan in more detail with Clarke and both knew what they were doing, they started their preparations. Clarke helped Raven with the blood. Then she explained to Charlie and Gideon what to look out for. Together they were done within 15 minutes.

They moved everything over to the med bay and made some final preparations. Clarke laid down on the second examination table that Raven had occupied earlier.

"Are you sure that this will work?", Charlie asked nervously.

"No", Raven and Clarke answered at the same time. "But we don't have a choice unless we want to use children which I refuse to do", Clarke added in an attempt to comfort not only Charlie but also herself.

"Ready?", Raven asked Clarke.

Clarke nodded and said, "Yes", trying to sound as confident and sure as possible.

Raven placed a syringe at the crook of Clarke's left arm, but her hand was shaking. Clarke took the syringe out of Raven's hand and took a deep breath. Then, she rammed the needle into her arm before she could change her mind and pushed the contents of the syringe into her body. She pulled the needle out again and leaned back. Her pulse was racing and she was sweating. She wasn't entirely sure whether she was having a panic attack or an anxiety attack. She might also be having a reaction to the stuff the she had just injected into her arm. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. Someone took the syringe out of her arm and someone else was putting something on the injection point.

It took her a moment to register the voice that was yelling at her. "Clarke? Are you OK? Can you hear me?"

She opened her eyes and looked at Raven. "Yes, Raven. I am fine." Her pulse was normal again. Raven and everyone else in the room looked relieved. "Now, let's see if this worked."

Sara took an empty syringe and stuck it into Clarke's other arm. She drew some blood and gave the syringe to Raven. The blood was black. It seemed to have worked so far. Raven ran over to the laboratory with the syringe to examine the blood while Charlie was pressing a small piece of cotton onto Clarke's arm, preventing more blood to get out.

Raven came back a few minutes later. "So far so good. Now we have to hook Clarke up to the Commander."

They had prepared a machine with two tubes coming out of it earlier. The machine was supposed to help Clarke pump blood. Charlie placed a belt around Clarke's right upper arm. Sara then stuck the needle of one of the tubes back into Clarke's arm and taped the top end of the tube to her arm to prevent if from moving and falling out. Black blood ran into the tube slowly and got stopped by a clip that was squeezing the tube shut. Charlie prepared to do the same with the end of the other tube and the Commander's arm.

"Are we ready?", Raven asked into the room.

Charlie and Sara replied that everything was set up and good to go. Nate gave Clarke a squishy ball that she could squeeze to speed up the transfusion. Then, Raven opened the clamp on Clarke's tube and put it in her pocket. Clarke started squeezing the ball rhythmically and the black blood quickly moved up through the tube to the whirring machine. After a short while the dark liquid reached the other tube. Charlie held her end of the tube up a bit waiting for it to be completely filled with blood, then she pushed the needle through the Commander's skin into her arm and taped the tube to the grounders' arm. A few drops of the dark liquid had dropped onto the Commander's arm.

Raven was nervously staring at one of the drops slowly running down the Commander's arm and dropping onto the examination table while she was going though everything in her head and trying to find anything that could have or could still go wrong. She knew that this would take a while.

"Gideon?", Sara said.

"Yes, captain?", the British, female voice asked.

"Keep an eye on these two, will you?"

"Yes, captain", the AI replied.

She then left the med bay. Ava took one last look at the grounders' leader and the blonde girl lying on the other table. Then she followed Sara.

They went to the captain's office where the captain grabbed a clean glass and poured some whiskey into it. With the glass in her hand she plumped down onto a chair and took a sip of the whiskey.

"Hey, what's up, babe?", Ava asked her.

"Nothing", Sara replied. "I'm just tired."

Ava looked her up and down and decided that that was at least not the only thing that was wrong. But she also decided that she would let Sara tell her what was bothering her when she was ready. So she just proceeded to remind Sara that she was always there if the legends' captain needed someone to talk to.

Sara nodded but didn't say anything.

Ava didn't want to annoy her girlfriend and decided to return to the med bay.

When she got there, only the two patients and Raven were still there. Everyone else had probably gone back to their rooms to get some sleep. They had lost track of time in midst of all of the stress, but it be past midnight by now. Considering that Raven had probably not gotten any rest in a while either, Ava told her that she would watch Clarke and the Commander while Raven could rest a bit. The mechanic tried to argue with her but was interrupted twice by two big yawns and gave in. Ava brought her to Ray's former room and told her where the bathroom was. Then she returned to the med bay.

About thirty minutes later, Gideon alerted Sara to the fact that Clarke needed to get a break. On her way to the med bay, Sara asked Gideon in return, whether the Commander had received enough blood. The AI replied that she had to run another scan on her before she could confirm anything. Just as the captain reached the med bay, Gideon finished her scan and announced that the Commander did indeed have enough blood now. That woke Ava up who had fallen asleep on the floor.

Sara squeezed the end of Clarke's tube shut with a clamp pulled the tube out of the grounder's arm. Then she taped her arm up. Ava was waiting at the end of the Commander's tube and waited for some more blood to flow into the grounder's body, before she repeated what Sara had done before with Clarke. Once she was done, they turned the machine off. Sara took the ball out of Clarke's hand that the latter had been squeezing for the past thirty minutes.

"Are you alright?', Sara asked her. Clarke nodded weakly. "Gideon?", Sara asked for the AI's confirmation.

"Clarke has lost a lot of blood, but she is fine.  She is just weak right now as can be expected", Gideon let Sara know.

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