Chapter 12

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Astra was annoyed. The grounders didn't let her out of their sight. They barely allowed her to get privacy when she went to the bathroom.

Shortly after she had woken up and found out that the door was locked, a grounder had opened it and escorted her to a large room with a few tables and benches. The room had two doorways, one of which they just walked through. The other doorway was barricaded by a closed door. It looked like a dining hall of sorts. The room had been empty except for her and the guard who had brought her here. The guard had closed the door behind them after entering the room. He was now standing next to it motionless and watching her.

Astra walked around the room, quickly found out that the second door was locked and proceeded to go to the window. The view was quite breathtaking. The sound of a door being unlocked caused her to turn around. The door that her guard was standing next to was opened and Nate entered the room. He looked a little confused and disoriented.

"Oh, hey Astra. Where is everyone?" Astra replied that she didn't know where they were. She added that she guessed they were still in their rooms. "Oh, makes sense", Nate said. He went on to ask her a series of questions that Astra didn't have answers for and that annoyed her even more. After while she stopped Nate mid sentence and told him to shut up. She didn't have any answers or information for him. Nate sat down at one of the tables and stayed quiet for a while.

After a while, Astra heard the door being unlocked once again. This time, Charlie stepped into the room. She wasn't quite as annoying as Nate. At least she didn't penetrate Astra with questions. Instead she quietly checked out the room, admired the view out of the window and then started cursing about them being stuck here and not getting any food or information.

Her cursing got interrupted by John who was the next one to join them. Before he could say anything, they heard shouting from the other side of the door. It was opened and Mick stumbled into the room. Someone seemed to have pushed him. The door was slammed shut and locked as soon as he was in the room. The legends stared at him curiously. "What happened?", Charlie wanted to know. "I don't like being ordered around and having to do what those idiots tell me", Mick grunted in response. "And they still got you in here?", Nate asked surprised. "They are stronger than they look", Mick stated. "What now?", Astra wanted to know. "And where is Sara?", she added after looking around the room and noticing that someone was missing. "Hey", Nate tried to get the guard's attention while passing the legends and walking towards the grounder. "Where is our captain?" Mick had followed Nate and proceeded to grab the guard's collar as a warning. The guard answered calmly and with a strong grounder accent that she was with Clarke. Before Mick could do anything else, the second door got unlocked and was opened. A few grounders walked into the room carrying tablets with food. These grounders weren't dressed like the other grounders they had seen so far. They didn't look like warriors. These grounders walked over to the tables and set the tablets down. Then they left the room again and closed the door behind them. The scratching sound of a key being inserted and turned in a lock led the legends to the obvious conclusion that the door had been locked again.

But most of them were too hungry to care. They rushed to the tables and sat down. Nobody spoke a word for the next few minutes. The silence was only disturbed by the sound of chewing. Charlie was the first one to break the silence. "Seriously though, where is Sara?"

Sara had agreed to a fight with one of the Commander's warriors. Because all of the grounders seemed to use swords, she decided to use one too. One of the grounders gave her theirs. Then they formed a large circle again around Sara and a woman. Lexa and Clarke were standing in the front row of the circle. Lexa yelled a short command which Sara figured to be a signal that started the fight. Sure enough, the woman that was in the circle with Sara started walking towards her. Sara lifted her sword up a bit, but stayed visibly calm. She made a step to the right and then another one. The two women began circling each other for a short while, before the grounder made a quick step forward and attacked Sara. The legend's captain parried the sword that was directed at her head out of reflex. She heard people around her cheering, but she ignored them and swung her head towards her opponents stomach. The grounder took a step back and managed to dodge the sword in the last moment. Sara took a step forward and attacked the grounder again. This time, the grounder deflected the sword and took her turn to attack Sara. Sara dodged the sword fairly easily and swung her blade towards the grounders chest. This back and forth kept going on for a while.

Sara knew after a few swings that she could easily beat the woman within a few seconds, but she decided that she wanted to keep this fight going on for a while. She wanted to learn more about the grounder's fighting style and maybe even more importantly, she didn't wish the humiliation of being defeated that quickly upon anyone. She ended the fight after about a minute. She disarmed her opponent and lifted her sword up. The peak of it was about an inch away from the grounder's throat.

The Commander yelled something again. Sara lowered the sword and stepped away from the woman that she had fought. The latter had apparently been holding her breath, because she took a deep breath now and relaxed her back and her muscles. Clarke's voice caught Sara's attention. "Well done." Sara gave a respectful nod in response to the compliment. The Commander who had been talking to some grounders joined Sara and Clarke. The grounder's leader examined her from top to bottom again with a look of newfound respect and curiosity. "Well done indeed. But that was too easy for you, wasn't it?"

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