I missed you

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"good morning honey " I hear a voice as my eyes flutter open . "Mom ? " I ask  so it's true I'm dead now  it's strange I thought death would be bright and you know have classical music or something . But here it's dark and cold it's so ... Weird "No haelynn I'm not your mother ... She's gone  "  " Wait brynnley !!!!! " 

I finally gets good look at her face as a light flickers on . " What are you doing here are you dead too ??? " She just laughs "No haelynn I'm not dead and neither are you . " "But the defects they killed me I .."  I say as I attempt to recall everything " we didn't kill you we just knocked you unconscious so that way we could bring you here . "  "We ?? "  I ask is she saying that she is a defect ?!?!?  Wait that story from when I was little is it ...
No it can't be . "Yes I'm a defect but ... "

"GET AWAY FROM ME !!!!" I scream . She looks shocked "no haelynn let me explain I ... " I don't want to hear it she killed my parents, my grandma, and even my pet . "No !!! Your a monster stay away  !!!! "  She grabs my arm " just listen to me "  I shove her away and she stumbles a bit " why should I you took everything from me I have notjing because of you . I HATE YOU !!!! She looks as if she's about to say something but someone stops her .                      

"brynnley I'll take it from here ." It's still to dark to see where the voice is coming from since the only light is a dim. Lantern  . This voice I recognize it from somewhere but I can't place it yet I can hear footsteps as someone approaches I'm starting to see a silhouette .  I look up and see his face  And boom my heart shatters into a million tiny pieces I can't stop my  tears . There's no way this is real . "Are you really here ??" I manage to say

"Yes haelynn , it's me " i immediately wrap my arms around him afraid he'll disappear he hugs back and I feel safe just like when I was little .  I have one thing to say something I haven't said in a long time .

"I missed you daddy "

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