a colin

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"Your a Colin ? " she asked

"Yes ?" I said unsure why my last name caused such a commotion "why " I asked

"Never mind it doesn't really matter . " Brynnley said her look of shock faded but still evident .

"Please continue " brynnley said pouring herself a new drink.

Bexley cleared her throat "well everyone we have to get back to the demonstration so please show us a small amount of your abilities Haelynn "

Right I completely forgot about that . I nodded to her before touching a cup that was on the table causing it to float up higher and higher until I clenched my fist causing it to fall down immediately.

After that I went back to my seat and sat down . Sapphire went next with her introduction .

"H..hi I'm sapphire reylin, I'm a pink ,and I'm 18 obviously . I'm gonna need a v..volunteer
please " she said shyly "I'll do it " a yellow haired boy said .he got
up and began walking up the platform ..,he was tall ... like really tall ...

"H..hold out your hand please " sapphire said . He held his hand out as she took hold of it . " ok you guys so umm now I'm gonna read his mind " I looked to my left as I felt I was being stared at and sure enough I was met with pitch black eyes but not in a creepy way .

I immediately looked away as I felt a light blush fall across my face what was his problem he always looked st me randomly ) it wasn't until I heard the gasps from the other students that I realize sapphire was already done with her presentation.

Apparently that got jamisons attention to cause he wasn't looking at me anymore.

After that Cassidy went up . Wow this class was just a rare find with a pink, a black, a purple, and a green !!that's the top 4 colors !

After the first four presentations we were directed to go to bed because it was so late we each had to seperate into four groups .
Two girls and two boys with our room split in half half for them half four us luckily I got people I sorta know . Including Cassidy ,the boy with yellow hair I think he said his name was jasper, and a guy named max .

"Umm ,hi " Cassidy said as she came up to me "I'm Cassidy but you probably already know that
Umm .. I was hoping maybe since we're kinda roommates and all we could be friends ??"

I stared for a moment
"sure "I said and just like that I made a new friend I guess... but little did I know what was
ahead ...

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