the disease

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"what??" I ask  I must have misunderstood did she really just tell me that was the disease that started all this ?? "You didn't misunderstand anything . That little girl was indeed sick With the disease that changed the world . " Bexley said calmly . "I'm still confused" I say if what Bexley said was true then what happened to the little girl did she did or change into a defect ?? "Of course you are " Bexley says as the light comes  a third time . I'm ready for the pain this time .

I hear voices and the light slowly disappears .
To reveal the little girl laying in a hospital bed surrounded by arguing doctors and the boy from earlier .

"It's to dangerous ,shes just a girl " a doctor with black hair states
"It could kill her " " don't you think I know that !!!" The boy snaps "it's the only chance we have " he said calming himself down "I understand that sir but if it doesn't work . .."the doctor began.  a doctor with red glasses interrupted "klaus if it does work our world could change this disease would stop spreading countless lives would be saved . It's either we do something now and change the world only risking one life ,or we do nothing and kill  millions ."

The doctor paused for a moment thinking it over before finally giving in "we'll have everything ready by morning. "With that he left the room clearly upset about all of this . The boy sighed . "It's the right thing to do thomas " the other  doctor  spoke . "I know but what if he's right what if she does die ?? " he took her hand .

Suddenly everything sped up . And slowed down until it was morning "it's easier this way "Bexley explained . I look around the doctors have already completed the procedure apparently they had to inject her heart with a strange silvery blue liquid . The boy was sitting next to her bed . I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open . "Brother ?? " She asked confused at her surroundings . "Hello lacey  " he said "I missed you " she smiled

"how could you miss me I've been here the whole time ?? " She giggled he just looked at her with a smile .the pain came back and I was back in the caves . "After that things went downhill they figured it had worked since she didn't show any signs of sickness .so the cure was given out everywhere . And everything was good for about a month but then everything changed people could do things now . Strange things ,they could float,  fire with their hands , grow plants with their mind , and so much more . Well the lucky ones any way the others including the little girl grew wings and horns we could do things to but not like the others they could live longer and our abilities were to strong for them to dangerous ..we were treated like monsters and so wars started walls were built and everything changed ." I thought for a second taking in everything she had just said .

"So your one of the unlucky ones ?? " I asked she nodded "Bexley we can change that . I can help you ,we can tell everyone the truth we can show them that you aren't monsters , we can prove them wrong . " I tell her . " It won't work ,haelynn ,I've tried these people think they're so much better then us that they won't even listen to what I have to say . What any of us have to say " she answered hearing those words made me angry "so you're gonna let them win ??  Bexley ,I won't let you give up ,it's not an option " I practically yell . She turns to me "haelynn I can't if they found out who I am I would be killed "

Suddenly I feel dizzy and my head starts pounding ,I fall to the floor almost immediately and after that everything is fuzzy .

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