the true villain

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"brynnley !!!! " I call as I rush to her side "she's here " she says her voice raspy and her breath heavy "hold on brynnley I'll help you I just need to get this off you and ... " I rush to free her but she grabs my arm " haelynn you have to survive .. you are the only one who can save us your blood it's ... Special ..." Her eyes shut and her grip loosens  I check her pulse . And find that she is still alive but barely "move!!" my dad calls as he and a bunch of other people rush to help her free . Eventually the rock is removed and we get her on a bed the doctors in the cave rush around trying to do what they can for her .

BOOM !!! another explosion goes off . "Dad what's going on " I ask " it's the humans they found us  "  he says coldly as if the thought of it disgusts him

"What do you mean the humans ?? " I ask my dad sighs  "haelynn look I promise I'll tell you everything later but right now we need to fight . "  I  nod " dad what can I do to help ?? " Well since your supposed to be dead you won't be able to fight so you'll be going with the ret of the young  and elderly  however while their leaving through the back tunnels I'm gonna need you to tell me a few things about your team  nothing to personal just a few things about there fighting techniques and weaknesses . " And so for the next 10 minutes I find myself going over the remaining nine of my classmates .  Exposing anything useful I learned during training I also made sure that dad and the rest of the soldiers who weren't already in battle made sure not to attack jamison or sapphire .

Before they leave I'm given a very detailed map to find my way safely through the tunnels . My dad and I say our final goodbyes and head our separate ways which leaves me alone since everyone else already left . And despite the map I still manage to get lost .  I eventually wind up going back the way I came and  finding my way back  however just before I reach the main area I'm knocked to the ground and a warm sticky liquid begins flowing out of my head . It doesn't take long to realize what it is it's blood . My lantern which is my only light source has gone out and I'm left in the complete dark

"oh haelynn you stupid girl don't you know you shouldn't wander around in the dark . " My blood runs cold  suddenly the light flickers on and I'm met with the one and only bexley eve

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