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I awoke this morning to the sound of a clock ticking . I look around to see my surroundings a small room with blue walls there's a chair in the corner of the room but it's empty ,I also see a window ,it's small but It's there I stand up to look out and I see a beautiful field lined with people . I see red ,purple ,blue , green ,black .. all the colors I manage to make out faces of classmates and  a few of my mother's friends they're laughing and playing around it's good to see they're smiles again after the war ...

Wait the war .. where are sapphire ,Jamison and my dad ??,did brynnley survive?? ,how did I get here ??,where even am I ?? I start to panic but before I have a chance I feel a familiar feeling like everything's ok and I hear sapphires voice in my head . "Haelynn your awake !! " I turn around to see her but no-ones here . Great now I'm hearing things . "Haelynn your not crazy .. I'm just using my abilities to communicate with you !!" I relax a little "sapphire !!"I say excitedly  "It's me alright " she says "where are you ??, What happened to my dad ?? ,Is Jamison alright ?? ,How did I .. " I begin

"Haelynn relax ,I  can't explain now but I promise I will later when I get a chance to talk to you one on one ok ." She tells me
" I don't understand why can't you talk to me now ?? " I ask
"I have to prepare right now " she says I'm confused "prepare for what ??" I ask her " haelynn I .. I can't tell you that right now . actually I have to go but I promise I'll explain ok " and she's gone I can feel it . And to make matters worse I still don't know anything I sit down on the bed and decide to rest because I'm still tired .

But before I close my eyes I hear the door on turn on the small wooden door on the right side of the room .I practically fly to my feet when I see Jamison come through the door . I hug him tightly as if this is the last time I'll ever see him again . "It's good to see you alive " he says "you to , I thought that maybe you ... In the war I thought that ... " I can't finish that sentence the idea of it hurts to much .

"It's ok ,"he said" most of us made it back alive after we saw your dad we stopped firing so he could explain  he told us what was going on . He said some scary stuff haelynn he told us that the defects aren't bad that this war was pointless ,when we asked him to help us fight them he said no because they weren't our enemies ,he also said you were working with them ,is it  true ?? "
I stared at him blankly for a second . How am I going to explain . "Jamison I ... " He doesn't let me answer " never mind listen I don't think your working with them , but If you are .. " he pauses "what ??" I ask "haelynn they will kill you . "He says

I'm stunned, "does that mean ..,"I begin "your father alongside Bexley is getting executed publicly today in about another hour I tried stopping them but they won't listen they think your father is a traitor I think there is more to the story " he says I can't speak I can't move I can't do anything . Tears fall down my face "Jamison ,you can't let them do this please you have to stop them "   I cry .suddenly the door opens again and a guard walks in "times up" he says

Jamison looks at me "haelynn ,you have to watch the clock ok time is ticking ,we don't have long " he says before he walks out and the guard slams the door shut . What does that mean ??  I rushed to the door as soon as the guards footsteps had dissappeared I have to get out of here . My father will die if I don't .and then Ill be alone again I turn the handle but it won't budge I jerk it twice and still nothing .

I turn to the window but I quickly realize that won't work either with three separate layers of glass and no way of opening it . I slowly sink to the floor realizing I can't escape ,my father is as good as dead and soon I will be too . But then I hear it "tick tock ,tick tock ,tick tock " the clock !! Jamison must've hidden something in the clock . I search the room with my eyes but see nothing . This doesn't make any sense I can hear it but I can't see it ?? I stand up and everything feels like it's spinning and then out of nowhere I can just sense it I am the clock the key to everything .

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