Orihime and Ulquiorra part 12

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Hunter woke up and she was licking Ulquiorra face. Ulquiorra said "cut it out hunter see I'm awake." Orihime woke up from the noise she said "good morning Hunter and Ulquiorra." Ulquiorra said "good morning" and hunter went to go lick Orihime face. Ulquiorra got up and he went into the kitchen to go get Orihime her breakfast and hunter her dog food. Ulquiorra came back to Orihime room and he gave Orihime her food and hunter her food and water. Ulquiorra was smiling a little bit Orihime said "Ulquiorra you need to try this." Ulquiorra said "no thanks" Orihime said "please" with begging eyes. Ulquiorra said "fine" and Orihime let him try it and he said "wow it is good". Orihime said "I know right your a very good cook." Ulquiorra said "I am?" Orihime said "yes your very good and better cook than me." Ulquiorra said "can I try your food for lunch?" Orihime said "sure". Ulquiorra said "let's go take hunter on a walk." Orihime said "okay". Orihime put the leash on hunter and they began to go outside. Grimmjow was in the hallway saying "hey Ulquiorra and Orihime!" Orihime said "hi." Ulquiorra said "what do you want Grimmjow?" Grimmjow said "come on Ulquiorra I'm just here to say hi" then hunter jumped on grimmjow. Grimmjow said "hey little buddy." Ulquiorra said "since when did you both were friends?" Grimmjow said "when the first time we met" Orihime said "we are just going to take her on a walk" Grimmjow said "oh okay well see ya going to take a cat nap" Orihime said "bye Grimmjow" so Ulquiorra,Orihime,and Hunter continue to walk outside. When they were walking for a couple of hours they found a lost kitten in a box. Orihime gave Ulquiorra the leash and Orihime bent down to get the kitten then the kitten was meowing she was hungry. Orihime was petting her. Hunter was sniffing her the she likes her. Orihime said "we should give her to Grimmjow because he is a cat himself." Ulquiorra agreed so they walked home and they fed her. Ulquiorra said "Grimmjow get over here!" Grimmjow said "okay damb dude." Orihime was holding the kitten in a little blanket. Ulquiorra said "we got something for you" Grimmjow said "Is it ichigo I need to kill him?" Ulquiorra said "no you fool" Orihime showed Grimmjow the kitten and Grimmjow said "holy shit she's so cute is she mine?" Orihime said "yes we found her outside in a box" Orihime gave the kitten to Grimmjow but Grimmjow was careful he loves her. Grimmjow said "I'll name her Killer". Orihime said "that's a good name" with a fake smile. Grimmjow said "thank you I'm going to my room to play with her bye." Orihime waved bye and Ulquiorra stood there. Orihime was hungry she said "Ulquiorra let's go eat lunch!" Ulquiorra said "okay" Orihime, Ulquiorra, and Hunter went into the kitchen and orihime began cooking. When she was done she put some on two plates so they could eat. Ulquiorra bit it then said 'wow Orihime you are good at cooking its really good!" Orihime said "thanks Ulquiorra but your cooking is way better." Ulquiorra,Orihime, and Hunter walked back to their room. Ulquiorra said "I be right back" Orihime said "okay." Ulquiorra left Orihime room and went in his room. Ulquiorra was taking off his shirt because he was hot and Ulquiorra was reading a book about "Heart". Orihime said "where is Ulquiorra?" Orihime told hunter "I will be right back hunter" hunter barked that means okay. Orihime left her room she was walking two doors to the right and she opened the third door it was dark so she turned on the lights and she blushed like a tomato. She said "u-ulquiorra is this your room? And your shirtless". Ulquiorra said "yes woman I took my shirt off because I'm hot." Orihime said "oh okay sorry" Orihime was about to leave Ulquiorra room but suddenly Ulquiorra went in front of her and closed the door. Orihime eyes widened and she said "u-ulquiorra what are you doing? Why did you close the door?" Ulquiorra putted his finger on Orihime lips and said "woman stop asking questions." Orihime nodded. Ulquiorra pushed Orihime on his bed and said "I've been waiting Orihime"

I will update this story tomorrow the next part have some sexual parts well I hope you enjoy.

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