Orihime and Ulquiorra part 27

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Ulquiorra held rose and said "we should go home too" orihime nodded. Ulquiorra held orihime hand and open a portal to hueco mundo they stepped in and the portal closed they were walking to their room. Orihime was smiling and ulquiorra was glad that rose is okay. When orihime and ulquiorra opened the door to their room they both saw Aizen standing and looking at the moon. Aizen turned around and said "ulquiorra what are you holding?" Ulquiorra covered rose and said "it's none of your business". Orihime looked worried and said "a-aizen why are you here?". Aizen smirked and said "I heard that you and ulquiorra had a baby". Orihime eyes widen and said "h-how did you know?". Ulquiorra went next to orihime and Aizen said "I know everything Inoue orihime I am god after all". Ulquiorra said "you are no god stop being such a fool". Aizen smirked and said "you think I'm no god ulquiorra shiffer?,then let's see if I am". Orihime went in front of Aizen and bowed before Aizen can attack ulquiorra orihime said "please Aizen don't hurt them ulquiorra is my husband and rose is my child please I beg of you". Aizen and ulquiorra was surprised and aizen said "very well then. Aizen walked away and smirked at ulquiorra. Ulquiorra looked at him with a death stare. Ulquiorra walked to orihime and hugged her and said "onna you didn't need to interfere I can handle him". Orihime smiled and said "ulquiorra-kun it's okay I want to protect you and rose too, we both will protect rose as parents and as husband and wife. Ulquiorra had this warm feeling and smiled a bit. Ulquiorra closed the door and walked to orihime to see rose. Orihime was smiling and crying a little. Ulquiorra wiped her tears and said "onna why are you crying?" Orihime looked at ulquiorra and said "I'm really happy to have a family my own husband and having a child. Ulquiorra hugged orihime and said "I'm happy too onna.

Sorry I haven't been updating I been busy roleplaying I'll update soon bye ^^.

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